Eugenio Cusumano
Cited by
Cited by
Migrant rescue as organized hypocrisy: EU maritime missions offshore Libya between humanitarianism and border control
E Cusumano
Cooperation and conflict 54 (1), 3-24, 2019
From “angels” to “vice smugglers”: The criminalization of sea rescue NGOs in Italy
E Cusumano, M Villa
European journal on criminal policy and research 27, 23-40, 2021
Straightjacketing migrant rescuers? The code of conduct on maritime NGOs
E Cusumano
Mediterranean Politics 24 (1), 106-114, 2019
Emptying the sea with a spoon? Non-governmental providers of migrants search and rescue in the Mediterranean
E Cusumano
Marine Policy 75, 91-98, 2017
The non-governmental provision of search and rescue in the Mediterranean and the abdication of state responsibility
E Cusumano, J Pattison
Cambridge review of international affairs 31 (1), 53-75, 2018
In deep waters: The legal, humanitarian and political implications of closing Italian ports to migrant rescuers
E Cusumano, K Gombeer
Mediterranean Politics 25 (2), 245-253, 2020
Sea rescue NGOs: a pull factor of irregular migration?
E Cusumano, M Villa
European University Institute, 2019
The sea as humanitarian space: Non-governmental search and rescue dilemmas on the Central Mediterranean migratory route
E Cusumano
Mediterranean Politics 23 (3), 387-394, 2018
Bridging the gap: Mobilisation constraints and contractor support to US and UK military operations
E Cusumano
Journal of Strategic Studies 39 (1), 94-119, 2016
Bureaucratic interests and the outsourcing of security: The privatization of diplomatic protection in the United States and the United Kingdom
E Cusumano, C Kinsey
Armed Forces & Society 41 (4), 591-615, 2015
Humanitarians at sea: Selective emulation across migrant rescue NGOs in the Mediterranean sea
E Cusumano
Contemporary security policy 40 (2), 239-262, 2019
Guilt by association? The criminalisation of sea rescue NGOs in Italian media
E Cusumano, F Bell
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 47 (19), 4285-4307, 2021
The scope of military privatisation: Military role conceptions and contractor support in the United States and the United Kingdom
E Cusumano
International Relations 29 (2), 219-241, 2015
Morally evaluating human smuggling: the case of migration to Europe
E Aloyo, E Cusumano
Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, 2021
Security privatisation at sea: Piracy and the commercialisation of vessel protection
E Cusumano, S Ruzza
International Relations 32 (1), 80-103, 2018
A civil-military response to hybrid threats
E Cusumano, M Corbe
Palgrave Macmillan, 2018
Contractors as a second best option: the Italian hybrid approach to maritime security
E Cusumano, S Ruzza
Ocean development & international law 46 (2), 111-122, 2015
United to rescue? Humanitarian role conceptions and NGO–NGO interactions in the Mediterranean Sea
E Cusumano
European Security 30 (4), 547-568, 2021
Projecting resilience across the Mediterranean
E Cusumano, S Hofmaier
palgrave macmillan, 2020
Failing through: European migration governance across the central Mediterranean
E Cusumano, M Riddervold
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 49 (12), 3024-3042, 2023
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Articles 1–20