Lars Eliasson
Lars Eliasson
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Effects of forwarder tyre pressure on rut formation and soil compaction
L Eliasson
Silva Fennica 39 (4), 549, 2005
The COST model for calculation of forest operations costs
P Ackerman, H Belbo, L Eliasson, A de Jong, A Lazdins, J Lyons
International Journal of Forest Engineering 25 (1), 75-81, 2014
Effects of slash reinforcement of strip roads on rutting and soil compaction on a moist fine-grained soil
L Eliasson, I Wästerlund
Forest Ecology and Management 252 (1-3), 118-123, 2007
Rut depth, soil compaction and rolling resistance when using bogie tracks
G Bygdén, L Eliasson, I Wästerlund
Journal of Terramechanics 40 (3), 179-190, 2003
An international review of the most productive and cost effective forest biomass recovery technologies and supply chains
MR Ghaffariyan, M Brown, M Acuna, J Sessions, T Gallagher, M Kühmaier, ...
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 74, 145-158, 2017
Simulation of thinning with a single-grip harvester
L Eliasson
Forest science 45 (1), 26-34, 1999
Comparing the efficiency of drum and disc chippers
R Spinelli, E Cavallo, L Eliasson, A Facello
Silva Fennica 47 (2), 2013
Productivity and costs in shelterwood harvesting
B Hånell, T Nordfjell, L Eliasson
Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 15 (5), 561-569, 2000
Effects of sieve size on chipper productivity, fuel consumption and chip size distribution for open drum chippers
L Eliasson, H von Hofsten, T Johannesson, R Spinelli, T Thierfelder
Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering: Journal for Theory and Application …, 2015
Comparison of single-grip harvester productivity in clear-and shelterwood cutting
L Eliasson, J Bengtsson, J Cedergren, H Lageson
Journal of Forest Engineering 10 (1), 43-48, 1999
Effect of chipper type, biomass type and blade wear on productivity, fuel consumption and product quality
C Nati, L Eliasson, R Spinelli
Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering: Journal for Theory and Application …, 2014
Analyses of single-grip harvester productivity
L Eliasson
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, 1998
Analysis of factors affecting productivity and costs for a high-performance chip supply system
L Eliasson, A Eriksson, S Mohtashami
Applied Energy 185, 497-505, 2017
Simulation-based evaluation of supply chains for stump fuel
A Eriksson, L Eliasson, R Jirjis
International Journal of Forest Engineering 25 (1), 23-36, 2014
Simulation study of a single-grip harvester in thinning from below and thinning from above
L Eliasson, H Lageson
Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 14 (6), 589-595, 1999
Influence of soil type, cartographic depth-to-water, road reinforcement and traffic intensity on rut formation in logging operations: a survey study in Sweden
S Mohtashami, L Eliasson, G Jansson, J Sonesson
Silva Fennica 51 (5), 2017
Productivity in final felling and thinning for a combined harvester-forwarder (harwarder)
F Wester, L Eliasson
International Journal of Forest Engineering 14 (2), 45-51, 2003
Roundwood and biomass logistics in Finland and Sweden
K Väätäinen, P Anttila, L Eliasson, J Enström, J Laitila, R Prinz, J Routa
Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering: Journal for Theory and Application …, 2021
Evaluation of delivery strategies for forest fuels applying a model for Weather-driven Analysis of Forest Fuel Systems (WAFFS)
A Eriksson, L Eliasson, L Sikanen, PA Hansson, R Jirjis
Applied energy 188, 420-430, 2017
Skogsskötselserien: Blädningsbruk
L Lundqvist, J Cedergren, L Eliasson, S Redaktör, L Johansson, ...
Skogsstyrelsen, 2009
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Articles 1–20