Paula Morales
Cited by
Cited by
Prevalence and characteristics of autism spectrum disorder among Spanish school-age children
P Morales-Hidalgo, J Roige-Castellvi, C Hernandez-Martinez, N Voltas, ...
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 48, 3176-3190, 2018
ADHD prevalence in Spanish preschoolers: comorbidity, socio-demographic factors, and functional consequences
J Canals, P Morales-Hidalgo, MC Jané, E Domènech
Journal of attention disorders 22 (2), 143-153, 2018
Formative assessment at university through digital technology tools
A Cosi, N Voltas, JL Lázaro-Cantabrana, P Morales, M Calvo, S Molina, ...
Profesorado, revista de currículum y formación del profesorado 24 (1), 164-183, 2020
Psychometric properties of the Conners-3 and Conners Early Childhood Indexes in a Spanish school population
P Morales-Hidalgo, C Hernández-Martínez, M Vera, N Voltas, J Canals
International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology 17 (1), 85-96, 2017
Autism spectrum disorder prevalence and associated sociodemographic factors in the school population: EPINED study
P Morales Hidalgo, N Voltas Moreso, J Canals Sans
Autism 25 (7), 1999-2011, 2021
Trastornos leves del espectro autista en educación infantil: Prevalencia, sintomatología co-ocurrente y desarrollo psicosocial.
P Morales, E Domènech-Llaberia, MC Jané, J Canals
Revista de psicopatología y psicología clínica 18 (3), 2013
EDUTEA: A DSM-5 teacher screening questionnaire for autism spectrum disorder and social pragmatic communication disorder
P Morales-Hidalgo, C Hernández-Martínez, N Voltas, J Canals
International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology 17 (3), 269-281, 2017
Prenatal and perinatal factors associated with ADHD risk in schoolchildren: EPINED epidemiological study
J Roigé-Castellví, P Morales-Hidalgo, N Voltas, C Hernández-Martínez, ...
European child & adolescent psychiatry 30, 347-358, 2021
Prevalence and epidemiological characteristics of ADHD in pre-school and school age children in the province of Tarragona, Spain
J Canals Sans, P Morales Hidalgo, J Roigé Castellví, N Voltas Moreso, ...
Journal of Attention Disorders 25 (13), 1818-1833, 2021
The childhood autism spectrum test (CAST): Spanish adaptation and validation
P Morales‐Hidalgo, J Roigé‐Castellví, A Vigil‐Colet, J Canals Sans
Autism Research 10 (9), 1491-1498, 2017
Do children with autism spectrum disorders eat differently and less adequately than those with subclinical ASD and typical development? EPINED epidemiological study
J Canals-Sans, P Esteban-Figuerola, P Morales-Hidalgo, V Arija
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 52 (1), 361-375, 2022
Nutrient intake and adequacy in children with autism spectrum disorder: EPINED epidemiological study
V Arija, P Esteban-Figuerola, P Morales-Hidalgo, C Jardí, J Canals-Sans
Autism 27 (2), 371-388, 2023
Are there anthropometric and body composition differences between children with autism spectrum disorder and children with typical development? Analysis by age and spectrum …
P Esteban-Figuerola, P Morales-Hidalgo, V Arija-Val, J Canals-Sans
Autism 25 (5), 1307-1320, 2021
Emotional problems in preschool and school-aged children with neurodevelopmental disorders in Spain: EPINED epidemiological project
P Morales-Hidalgo, N Voltas-Moreso, C Hernández-Martínez, ...
Research in developmental disabilities 135, 104454, 2023
Randomized controlled trial for selective preventive transdiagnostic intervention for adolescents at risk for emotional disorders
M Vivas-Fernandez, LJ Garcia-Lopez, JA Piqueras, JA Muela-Martinez, ...
Child and adolescent psychiatry and mental health 17 (1), 77, 2023
Do children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder follow a different dietary pattern than that of their control peers?
M Rojo-Marticella, V Arija, JÁ Alda, P Morales-Hidalgo, ...
Nutrients 14 (6), 1131, 2022
Assessing the heterogeneity of autism spectrum symptoms in a school population
P Morales‐Hidalgo, PJ Ferrando, J Canals
Autism Research 11 (7), 979-988, 2018
Prenatal exposure to air pollutants and attentional deficit hyperactivity disorder development in children: a systematic review
S Kaur, P Morales-Hidalgo, V Arija, J Canals
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 20 (8), 5443, 2023
Self-perceived quality of life in Spanish-speaking women with autism spectrum disorders
PM Hidalgo, MM Martínez, AG González, LG Petisco, CA Forcadell, ...
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 52 (12), 5428-5439, 2022
Effectiveness of a transdiagnostic indicated preventive intervention for adolescents at high risk for anxiety and depressive disorders
LJ Garcia-Lopez, D Jimenez-Vazquez, JA Muela-Martinez, JA Piqueras, ...
Current Psychology 43 (17), 15484-15498, 2024
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Articles 1–20