Francesca Soavi
Cited by
Cited by
Redox flow batteries: Status and perspective towards sustainable stationary energy storage
E Sánchez-Díez, E Ventosa, M Guarnieri, A Trovò, C Flox, R Marcilla, ...
Journal of Power Sources 481, 228804, 2021
Conducting polymers as electrode materials in supercapacitors
M Mastragostino, C Arbizzani, F Soavi
Solid state ionics 148 (3-4), 493-498, 2002
New trends in electrochemical supercapacitors
C Arbizzani, M Mastragostino, F Soavi
Journal of power sources 100 (1-2), 164-170, 2001
Ionic liquids for hybrid supercapacitors
A Balducci, U Bardi, S Caporali, M Mastragostino, F Soavi
Electrochemistry communications 6 (6), 566-570, 2004
Safe, high-energy supercapacitors based on solvent-free ionic liquid electrolytes
C Arbizzani, M Biso, D Cericola, M Lazzari, F Soavi, M Mastragostino
Journal of Power Sources 185 (2), 1575-1579, 2008
Carbon-poly (3-methylthiophene) hybrid supercapacitors
A Di Fabio, A Giorgi, M Mastragostino, F Soavi
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 148 (8), A845, 2001
Activated carbon/conducting polymer hybrid supercapacitors
A Laforgue, P Simon, JF Fauvarque, M Mastragostino, F Soavi, JF Sarrau, ...
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 150 (5), A645, 2003
Polymer-based supercapacitors
M Mastragostino, C Arbizzani, F Soavi
Journal of power sources 97, 812-815, 2001
Composite polymer electrolytes with improved lithium metal electrode interfacial properties: I. Elechtrochemical properties of dry PEO‐LiX systems
GB Appetecchi, F Croce, G Dautzenberg, M Mastragostino, F Ronci, ...
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 145 (12), 4126, 1998
Protonic and electronic transport in hydrated thin films of the pigment eumelanin
J Wünsche, Y Deng, P Kumar, E Di Mauro, E Josberger, J Sayago, ...
Chemistry of Materials 27 (2), 436-442, 2015
Capacitance response of carbons in solvent-free ionic liquid electrolytes
M Lazzari, M Mastragostino, F Soavi
Electrochemistry Communications 9 (7), 1567-1572, 2007
Strategies for high-performance supercapacitors for HEV
M Mastragostino, F Soavi
Journal of Power Sources 174 (1), 89-93, 2007
Melanin-based flexible supercapacitors
P Kumar, E Di Mauro, S Zhang, A Pezzella, F Soavi, C Santato, F Cicoira
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 4 (40), 9516-9525, 2016
High voltage, asymmetric EDLCs based on xerogel carbon and hydrophobic IL electrolytes
M Lazzari, F Soavi, M Mastragostino
Journal of Power Sources 178 (1), 490-496, 2008
Self-powered supercapacitive microbial fuel cell: the ultimate way of boosting and harvesting power
C Santoro, F Soavi, A Serov, C Arbizzani, P Atanassov
Biosensors and Bioelectronics 78, 229-235, 2016
Three-dimensional graphene nanosheets as cathode catalysts in standard and supercapacitive microbial fuel cell
C Santoro, M Kodali, S Kabir, F Soavi, A Serov, P Atanassov
Journal of Power Sources 356, 371-380, 2017
An electrochemical study of oxygen reduction in pyrrolidinium-based ionic liquids for lithium/oxygen batteries
S Monaco, AM Arangio, F Soavi, M Mastragostino, E Paillard, S Passerini
Electrochimica Acta 83, 94-104, 2012
The use of ionic liquids as solvent-free green electrolytes for hybrid supercapacitors
A Balducci, F Soavi, M Mastragostino
Applied Physics A 82, 627-632, 2006
Cycling stability of a hybrid activated carbon//poly (3-methylthiophene) supercapacitor with N-butyl-N-methylpyrrolidinium bis (trifluoromethanesulfonyl) imide ionic liquid as …
A Balducci, WA Henderson, M Mastragostino, S Passerini, P Simon, ...
Electrochimica acta 50 (11), 2233-2237, 2005
Effect of lithium ions on oxygen reduction in ionic liquid-based electrolytes
F De Giorgio, F Soavi, M Mastragostino
Electrochemistry Communications 13 (10), 1090-1093, 2011
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Articles 1–20