Прончева О.Г., Olga Proncheva, Olga Podlipskaia, Подлипская О.Г., O.Podlipskaia
Прончева О.Г., Olga Proncheva, Olga Podlipskaia, Подлипская О.Г., O.Podlipskaia
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Cited by
Modeling propaganda battle: decision-making, homophily, and echo chambers
A Petrov, O Proncheva
Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language, 197-209, 2018
Modeling position selection by individuals during informational warfare with a two-component agenda
AP Petrov, OG Proncheva
Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations 12, 154-163, 2020
Modeling a decrease in public attention to a past one-time political event
AP Mikhailov, AP Petrov, GB Pronchev, OG Proncheva
Doklady Mathematics 97, 247-249, 2018
A model of information warfare in a society with a piecewise constant function of the destabilizing Impact
AP Mikhailov, AP Petrov, OG Proncheva
Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations 11, 190-197, 2019
Propaganda battle with two-component agenda
A Petrov, O Proncheva
Proceedings of the MACSPro Workshop, 21-23, 2019
Mathematical modeling of information warfare in a society
AP Mikhailov, AP Petrov, OG Proncheva, NA Marevtseva
Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences 6 (5), S2, 2015
Модель информационного противоборства в социуме при периодическом дестабилизирующем воздействии
АП Михайлов, АПЧ Петров, ОГ Прончева, НА Маревцева
Математическое моделирование 29 (2), 23-32, 2017
A model of information warfare in a society under a periodic destabilizing effect
AP Mikhailov, AP Petrov, OG Proncheva, NA Marevtseva
Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations 9, 580-586, 2017
Моделирование спада общественного внимания к прошедшему разовому политическому событию
АП Михайлов, АП Петров, ГБ Прончев, ОГ Прончева
Доклады академии наук 480 (4), 397-400, 2018
Modeling the effect of political polarization on the outcome of propaganda battle
AP Mikhailov, AP Petrov, OG Proncheva
Computational mathematics and information technologies 1 (1), 65-81, 2017
Identifying the topics of Russian political talk shows
A Petrov, O Proncheva
Proceedings of the Conference on Modeling and Analysis of Complex Systems …, 2020
Моделирование выбора позиций индивидами при информационном противоборстве с двухкомпонентной повесткой
АПЧ Петров, ОГ Прончева
Математическое моделирование 31 (7), 91-108, 2019
Математическое моделирование информационного противоборства в эпоху Интернета
ПОГ Михайлов А.П., Петров А.П.
Научный сервис в сети Интернет. Труды XVIII Всероссийской научной …, 0
A model of propaganda battle with individuals’ opinions on topics saliency
O Proncheva
2020 13th International Conference" Management of large-scale system …, 2020
Mathematical modeling of information warfare in techno-social environments
AP Mikhailov, GB Pronchev, OG Proncheva
Techno-Social Systems for Modern Economical and Governmental Infrastructures …, 2019
О влиянии степени поляризации общества на исход информационного противоборства
ОГ Прончева
Препринты ИПМ им. МВ Келдыша, 29, 2016
Using search queries to analyze public attention to one-time political events
A Petrov, A Mikhailov, G Pronchev, O Proncheva
2018 Eleventh International Conference" Management of large-scale system …, 2018
Модель информационного противоборства в социуме с кусочно-постоянной функцией дестабилизирующего воздействия
АП Михайлов, АПЧ Петров, ОГ Прончева
Математическое моделирование 30 (7), 47-60, 2018
Stationary states in a model of position selection by individuals
AP Petrov, OG Proncheva
Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 60, 1737-1746, 2020
Modeling of economic growth taking into account the migration flows
MG Dmitriev, AP Petrov, OG Proncheva
Proceedings of the Institute of System Analysis of the Russian Academy of …, 2019
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Articles 1–20