Chuan Jin
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Cited by
Responses of maize with different growth periods to heat stress around flowering and early grain filling
X Dong, L Guan, P Zhang, X Liu, S Li, Z Fu, L Tang, Z Qi, Z Qiu, C Jin, ...
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 303, 108378, 2021
Optimization of stand structure in Robinia pseudoacacia Linn. based on soil and water conservation improvement function
N Wang, H Bi, Y Cui, D Zhao, G Hou, YUN Huiya, ZH Liu, D Lan, C Jin
Ecological Indicators 136, 108671, 2022
Multi-year trends and interannual variation in ecosystem resource use efficiencies in a young mixedwood plantation in northern China
C Jin, T Zha, CPA Bourque, P Liu, X Jia, F Zhang, H Yu, Y Tian, X Li, ...
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 330, 109318, 2023
Dew/hoar frost on the canopies and underlying surfaces of two typical desert shrubs in Northwest China and their relevance to drought
X Guo, Y Wang, H Yan, P Liu, Y Tian, G Shang, C Jin, T Zha
Journal of Hydrology 609, 127880, 2022
Multi-year trend and interannual variability in soil respiration measurements collected in an urban forest ecosystem in Beijing, China
X Li, T Zha, P Liu, Y Tian, X Jia, CPA Bourque, C Jin, R Yang, Y Jiang, ...
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 316, 108877, 2022
Key stress indicators from chlorophyll fluorescence in five desert plant species
C Jin, T Zha, CPA Bourque, P Liu, X Jia, Y Tian, X Li, X Liu, X Guo, M Xu, ...
Ecological Indicators 145, 109679, 2022
Dynamic changes in plant resource use efficiencies and their primary influence mechanisms in a typical desert shrub community
Y Jiang, Y Tian, T Zha, X Jia, CPA Bourque, P Liu, C Jin, X Jiang, X Li, ...
Forests 12 (10), 1372, 2021
Relative changes and regulation of photosynthetic energy partitioning components in Artemisia ordosica during growing season
C Jin, XH Li, Y Jiang, MZ Xu, Y Tian, P Liu, X Jia, TS Zha
Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology 45 (8), 870, 2021
Soil autotrophic-to-heterotrophic-respiration ratio and its controlling factors across several terrestrial biomes: A global synthesis
C Jin, J Jian, CPA Bourque, T Zha, L Dai, Y Yang, R Fu, Q Chen, P Liu, ...
Catena 242, 108118, 2024
Biophysical controls of dew formation in a typical cropland and its relationship to drought in the North China Plain
X Guo, Y Zhang, T Zha, G Shang, C Jin, Y Wang, H Yang
Journal of Hydrology 617, 128945, 2023
Elevated physiological plasticity in xerophytic-deciduous shrubs as demonstrated in their variable maximum carboxylation rate
M Xu, T Zha, Y Tian, P Liu, X Jia, CPA Bourque, C Jin, X Wei, H Zhao, ...
Ecological Indicators 144, 109475, 2022
Partitioning of evapotranspiration and the influencing factors of evapotranspiration components in a shrub ecosystem dominated by Artemisia ordosica and Hedysarum fruticosum …
NN Wei, YM Mu, XY Jiang, X Jia, SJ Gao, Y Jiang, C Jin, C Han, TS Zha
Ying Yong Sheng tai xue bao= The Journal of Applied Ecology 32 (7), 2407-2414, 2021
Responses of water vapor and heat fluxes to environmental factors in a deciduous broad-leaved forest ecosystem in Beijing
Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology 45 (11), 1191, 2021
Proposal and simulation of a geothermal-driven water electrolysis unit integrated with a CO2 methanation process toward a novel sustainable framework
Z Dai, C Jin, L Ding
Journal of Cleaner Production 446, 141393, 2024
Interannual variation in gross ecosystem production and evapotranspiration in a temperate semiarid grassland undergoing vegetation recovery
X Li, T Zha, P Liu, CPA Bourque, X Jia, Y Tian, C Jin, X Wei, X Liu, H Zhao, ...
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 341, 109672, 2023
Forest-cover-loss control on year-round river flow dynamics in the upper Saint John River (Wolastoq) basin, Northeastern North America from 2001 to 2019
C Jin, T Zha, X Guo, X Li, X Liu, Y Jiang, Z Guo, CPA Bourque
Journal of Hydrology 623, 129776, 2023
The Strategy for Optimizing the Stand Structure of Pinus tabuliformis Carr. Forests to Enhance the Ecological Function on the Loess Plateau, China
N Wang, H Bi, R Peng, D Zhao, H Yun, Z Liu, D Lan, C Jin
Forests 13 (8), 1217, 2022
Stronger control of surface conductance by soil water content than vapor pressure deficit regulates evapotranspiration in an urban forest in Beijing, 2012–2022
X Li, T Zha, TA Black, X Jia, RS Jassal, P Liu, Y Tian, C Jin, R Yang, ...
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 344, 109815, 2024
Dynamics and biophysical controls of nocturnal water loss in a winter wheat-summer maize rotation cropland: a multi-temporal scale analysis
X Guo, J Xiao, T Zha, G Shang, P Liu, C Jin, Y Zhang
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 342, 109701, 2023
Response of Leaf Photosynthesis–Transpiration Coupling to Biotic and Abiotic Factors in the Typical Desert Shrub Artemisia ordosica
J Mao, Y Luo, C Jin, M Xu, X Li, Y Tian
Sustainability 15 (13), 10216, 2023
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Articles 1–20