Juan Flores
Juan Flores
Senior Instructor, University of Oregon
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Cited by
The application of artificial neural networks to the analysis of remotely sensed data
JF Mas, JJ Flores
International Journal of Remote Sensing 29 (3), 617-663, 2008
Evolutive design of ARMA and ANN models for time series forecasting
JJ Flores, M Graff, H Rodriguez
Renewable Energy 44, 225-230, 2012
Gravitational interactions optimization
JJ Flores, R López, J Barrera
Learning and Intelligent Optimization: 5th International Conference, LION 5 …, 2011
Solving a school timetabling problem using a bee algorithm
C Lara, JJ Flores, F Calderón
MICAI 2008: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 7th Mexican International …, 2008
Multi-model prediction for demand forecast in water distribution networks
R Lopez Farias, V Puig, H Rodriguez Rangel, JJ Flores
Energies 11 (3), 660, 2018
Limiting the velocity in the particle swarm optimization algorithm
J Barrera, O Álvarez-Bajo, JJ Flores, CA Coello Coello
Computación y Sistemas 20 (4), 635-645, 2016
Characterization of a polycrystalline photovoltaic cell using artificial neural networks
B Cortes, RT Sánchez, JJ Flores
Solar Energy 196, 157-167, 2020
Induction of emotional states in educational video games through a fuzzy control system
C Lara-Alvarez, H Mitre-Hernandez, JJ Flores, H Pérez-Espinosa
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing 12 (1), 66-77, 2018
Evolutionary computation solutions to the circle packing problem
JJ Flores, J Martínez, F Calderón
Soft Computing 20, 1521-1535, 2016
Short-term demand forecast using a bank of neural network models trained using genetic algorithms for the optimal management of drinking water networks
HR Rangel, V Puig, RL Farias, JJ Flores
Journal of Hydroinformatics 19 (1), 1-16, 2017
La incertidumbre en la evaluación financiera de las empresas
FG Santoyo, JJF Romero, BF Romero
Fegosa Ingenieria Administrativa y FCA-UMSNH, 2000
On the hyperbox–hyperplane intersection problem
C Lara, JJ Flores, F Calderon
INFOCOMP Journal of Computer Science 8 (4), 21-27, 2009
La web 2.0 y las herramientas de colaboración y participación
J Flores, C Bertolotti, F Gonzalez
Universidad de San Martin de Porres. Universidad Politecnica de Valencia 4, 2012
Short term photovoltaic power production using a hybrid of nearest neighbor and artificial neural networks
JL Sánchez-García, E Espinosa-Juárez, JJ Flores
2016 IEEE PES Transmission & Distribution Conference and Exposition-Latin …, 2016
Wind speed forecasting using a hybrid neural-evolutive approach
JJ Flores, R Loaeza, H Rodríguez, E Cadenas
MICAI 2009: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 8th Mexican International …, 2009
Wind prediction using genetic algorithms and gene expression programming
JJ Flores, M Graff, E Cadenas
Proceedings of the International Conference on Modelling and Simulation in …, 2005
Forecasting from incomplete and chaotic wind speed data
H Rodriguez, JJ Flores, LA Morales, C Lara, A Guerra, G Manjarrez
Soft Computing 23, 10119-10127, 2019
Combined holt-winters and GA trained ANN approach for sensor validation and reconstruction: Application to water demand flowmeters
H Rodriguez, V Puig, JJ Flores, R Lopez
2016 3rd Conference on Control and Fault-Tolerant Systems (SysTol), 202-207, 2016
Uncertainty theory applied to optimal selection of personnel in an Enterprise
FG Santoyo, BF Romero, MC Farías, JJ Flores
Fuzzy Economic Review 9 (2), 75, 2004
Flow meter data validation and reconstruction using neural networks: Application to the Barcelona water network
H Rodriguez, V Puig, JJ Flores, R Lopez
2016 European Control Conference (ECC), 1746-1751, 2016
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Articles 1–20