Bálint Mészáros
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Cited by
IUPred2A: context-dependent prediction of protein disorder as a function of redox state and protein binding
B Mészáros, G Erdős, Z Dosztányi
Nucleic acids research 46 (W1), W329-W337, 2018
ANCHOR: web server for predicting protein binding regions in disordered proteins
Z Dosztányi, B Mészáros, I Simon
Bioinformatics 25 (20), 2745-2746, 2009
Prediction of protein binding regions in disordered proteins
B Mészáros, I Simon, Z Dosztányi
PLoS computational biology 5 (5), e1000376, 2009
A structural biology community assessment of AlphaFold2 applications
M Akdel, DEV Pires, EP Pardo, J Jänes, AO Zalevsky, B Mészáros, ...
Nature Structural & Molecular Biology 29 (11), 1056-1067, 2022
Molecular principles of the interactions of disordered proteins
B Mészáros, P Tompa, I Simon, Z Dosztányi
Journal of molecular biology 372 (2), 549-561, 2007
Critical assessment of protein intrinsic disorder prediction
M Necci, D Piovesan, SCE Tosatto
Nature methods 18 (5), 472-481, 2021
DisProt: intrinsic protein disorder annotation in 2020
A Hatos, B Hajdu-Soltész, AM Monzon, N Palopoli, L Álvarez, ...
Nucleic acids research 48 (D1), D269-D276, 2020
The Eukaryotic Linear Motif resource: 2022 release
M Kumar, S Michael, J Alvarado-Valverde, B Mészáros, ...
Nucleic Acids Research, 2021
MobiDB 3.0: more annotations for intrinsic disorder, conformational diversity and interactions in proteins
D Piovesan, F Tabaro, L Paladin, M Necci, I Mičetić, C Camilloni, N Davey, ...
Nucleic acids research 46 (D1), D471-D476, 2018
The IntAct database: efficient access to fine-grained molecular interaction data
N Del Toro, A Shrivastava, E Ragueneau, B Meldal, C Combe, E Barrera, ...
Nucleic acids research 50 (D1), D648-D653, 2022
PhaSePro: the database of proteins driving liquid–liquid phase separation
B Mészáros, G Erdős, B Szabó, É Schád, Á Tantos, R Abukhairan, ...
Nucleic acids research 48 (D1), D360-D367, 2020
Bioinformatical approaches to characterize intrinsically disordered/unstructured proteins
Z Dosztányi, B Mészáros, I Simon
Briefings in bioinformatics 11 (2), 225-243, 2010
DisProt in 2022: improved quality and accessibility of protein intrinsic disorder annotation
F Quaglia, B Mészáros, E Salladini, A Hatos, R Pancsa, LB Chemes, ...
Nucleic acids research 50 (D1), D480-D487, 2022
Degrons in cancer
B Mészáros, M Kumar, TJ Gibson, B Uyar, Z Dosztányi
Sci. Signal. 10 (470), eaak9982, 2017
DIBS: a repository of disordered binding sites mediating interactions with ordered proteins
E Schad, E Fichó, R Pancsa, I Simon, Z Dosztányi, B Mészáros
Bioinformatics 34 (3), 535-537, 2018
The expanding view of protein–protein interactions: complexes involving intrinsically disordered proteins
B Mészáros, I Simon, Z Dosztányi
Physical biology 8 (3), 035003, 2011
MFIB: a repository of protein complexes with mutual folding induced by binding
E Fichó, I Reményi, I Simon, B Mészáros
Bioinformatics 33 (22), 3682-3684, 2017
Systematic discovery of linear binding motifs targeting an ancient protein interaction surface on MAP kinases
A Zeke, T Bastys, A Alexa, Á Garai, B Mészáros, K Kirsch, Z Dosztányi, ...
Molecular systems biology 11 (11), 837, 2015
Short linear motif candidates in the cell entry system used by SARS-CoV-2 and their potential therapeutic implications
B Mészáros, H Sámano-Sánchez, J Alvarado-Valverde, J Čalyševa, ...
Science signaling 14 (665), eabd0334, 2021
Disordered binding regions and linear motifs—bridging the gap between two models of molecular recognition
B Mészáros, Z Dosztányi, I Simon
PloS one 7 (10), e46829, 2012
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Articles 1–20