Graeme Gange
Cited by
Cited by
Pairwise symmetry reasoning for multi-agent path finding search
J Li, D Harabor, PJ Stuckey, H Ma, G Gange, S Koenig
Artificial Intelligence 301, 103574, 2021
Lazy CBS: Implicit conflict-based search using lazy clause generation
G Gange, D Harabor, PJ Stuckey
Proceedings of the International Conference on Automated Planning and …, 2019
New techniques for pairwise symmetry breaking in multi-agent path finding
J Li, G Gange, D Harabor, PJ Stuckey, H Ma, S Koenig
Proceedings of the International Conference on Automated Planning and …, 2020
SLA-Based Resource Scheduling for Big Data Analytics as a Service in Cloud Computing Environments
Y Zhao, RN Calheiros, G Gange, K Ramamohanarao, R Buyya
Parallel Processing (ICPP), 2015 44th International Conference on, 510-519, 2015
High-quality ultra-compact grid layout of grouped networks
V Yoghourdjian, T Dwyer, G Gange, S Kieffer, K Klein, K Marriott
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 22 (1), 339-348, 2016
SLA-Based Profit Optimization Resource Scheduling for Big Data Analytics-as-a-Service Platforms in Cloud Computing Environments
Y Zhao, R Calheiros, G Gange, J Bailey, R Sinnott
IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, 2018
An Abstract Domain of Uninterpreted Functions
G Gange, JA Navas, P Schachte, H Søndergaard, PJ Stuckey
International Conference on Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract …, 2016
Combining String Abstract Domains for JavaScript Analysis: An Evaluation
R Amadini, A Jordan, G Gange, F Gauthier, P Schachte, H Søndergaard, ...
International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and …, 2017
MDD propagators with explanation
G Gange, PJ Stuckey, R Szymanek
Constraints 16 (4), 407-429, 2011
Machine Learning and Constraint Programming for Relational-To-Ontology Schema Mapping.
D De Una, N Rümmele, G Gange, P Schachte, PJ Stuckey
IJCAI, 1277-1283, 2018
Abstract interpretation over non-lattice abstract domains
G Gange, JA Navas, P Schachte, H Søndergaard, PJ Stuckey
International Static Analysis Symposium, 6-24, 2013
Optimal Sankey Diagrams via Integer Programming
DC Zarate, P Le Bodic, T Dwyer, G Gange, P Stuckey
Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis), 2018 IEEE, 135-139, 2018
Optimal k-level planarization and crossing minimization
G Gange, PJ Stuckey, K Marriott
International Symposium on Graph Drawing, 238-249, 2010
Horn clauses as an intermediate representation for program analysis and transformation
G Gange, JA Navas, P Schachte, H SØNDERGAARD, PJ Stuckey
Theory and Practice of Logic Programming 15 (4-5), 526-542, 2015
Synthesizing Optimal Switching Lattices
G Gange, H Søndergaard, PJ Stuckey
ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems (TODAES) 20 (1), 6, 2014
Interval Analysis and Machine Arithmetic: Why Signedness Ignorance Is Bliss
G Gange, JA Navas, P Schachte, H Søndergaard, PJ Stuckey
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS) 37 (1), 1, 2015
Unbounded model-checking with interpolation for regular language constraints
G Gange, JA Navas, PJ Stuckey, H Søndergaard, P Schachte
International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and …, 2013
Exploiting Sparsity in Difference-Bound Matrices
G Gange, JA Navas, P Schachte, H Søndergaard, PJ Stuckey
International Static Analysis Symposium, 189-211, 2016
On CNF Encodings of Decision Diagrams
I Abıo, G Gange, V Mayer-Eichberger, PJ Stuckey
Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming: 13th …, 2016
An iterative approach to precondition inference using constrained Horn clauses
B Kafle, JP Gallagher, G Gange, P Schachte, H Søndergaard, PJ Stuckey
Theory and Practice of Logic Programming 18 (3-4), 553-570, 2018
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Articles 1–20