Mario Jadrić
Mario Jadrić
Full Professor, University of Split, Faculty of Economics, Business and Tourism
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Cited by
Online self-assessment and students' success in higher education institutions
M Ćukušić, Ž Garača, M Jadrić
Computers & Education 72, 100-109, 2014
E-učenje: koncept i primjena
M Ćukušić, M Jadrić
Školska knjiga, 2012
Student dropout analysis with application of data mining methods
M Jadrić, Ž Garača, M Čukušić
Management: journal of contemporary management issues 15 (1), 31-46, 2010
Smart city research advances in Southeast Europe
IN Pašalić, M Ćukušić, M Jadrić
International Journal of Information Management 58, 102127, 2021
The potential and issues in data-driven development of web personas
T Mijač, M Jadrić, M Ćukušić
2018 41st International Convention on Information and Communication …, 2018
Identifying challenges and priorities for developing smart city initiatives and applications
M Čukušić, M Jadrić, T Mijač
Croatian Operational Research Review 10 (1), 117-129, 2019
E-ucenje: Moodle u praksi
M Jadrić, M Ćukušić, M Lenkić
Faculty of Economics, Business and Tourism, Split, 2012
Exploring the validity of an instrument to measure the perceived quality in use of Web 2.0 applications with educational potential
T Orehovački, S Babić, M Jadrić
Learning and Collaboration Technologies. Designing and Developing Novel …, 2014
Process Mining Contributions to Discreteevent Simulation Modelling
M Jadrić, IN Pašalić, M Ćukušić
Business Systems Research: International journal of the Society for …, 2020
Comparison of discrete event simulation tools in an academic environment
M Jadrić, M Ćukušić, A Bralić
Croatian Operational Research Review 5 (2), 203-219, 2014
Influence of various factors on the intended use of mobile marketing services
D Pavlić, M Jadrić, M Ćukušić
WSEAS transactions on information science and applications 9 (6), 179-188, 2012
Odrednice i pokazatelji uspješnosti visokih učilišta u Hrvatskoj
M Ćukušić, Ž Garača, M Jadrić
Društvena istraživanja: časopis za opća društvena pitanja 23 (2), 233-257, 2014
Motivation, internet access and ICT experience as factors of success in a non-moderated e-learning course
M Jadrić, G Bubaš, S Babić
International Journal of Intelligent Defence Support Systems 3 (1/2), 116-127, 2010
Motivation, Internet access and ICT experience as factors of success in a non-moderated e-learning course
M Jadrić, G Bubaš, S Babić
Proceedings of the Conference Computers in Education, 32th International …, 2009
Discrete simulation modeling of intelligent passenger boarding
D Pavlic, M Jadric, M Cukusic
2018 41st International Convention on Information and Communication …, 2018
Dispositional Predictors of Student Success in E-learning Courses
M Jadrić, G Bubaš, Ž Hutinski
Proceedings of the ITI 2010 32nd International Conference on Information …, 2010
Concepts and Theoretical Models of Acceptance of e-Learning Technologies by Academic Teachers
S Babić, M Jadrić
Proceedings of the Conference Computers in Education, MIPRO 2010 - 33rd …, 2010
Measuring the success of information systems in higher education–a systematic review
T Mijač, M Jadrić, M Ćukušić
Education and information technologies, 1-38, 2024
The potential and issues in data-driven development of web personas. 2018 41st International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and …
T Mijač, M Jadrić, M Ćukušić
Comparing MOOCs in m-learning and e-learning settings
A Bralić, M Ćukušić, M Jadrić
2015 38th International Convention on Information and Communication …, 2015
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Articles 1–20