Rebecca A. Glazier
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Cited by
Building rapport to improve retention and success in online classes
RA Glazier
Journal of Political Science Education 12 (4), 437-456, 2016
The president, the press, and the war: A tale of two framing agendas
RA Glazier, AE Boydstun
Political Communication 29 (4), 428-446, 2012
Running simulations without ruining your life: Simple ways to incorporate active learning into your teaching
RA Glazier
Journal of Political Science Education 7 (4), 375-393, 2011
Online teaching, student success, and retention in political science courses
K Hamann, RA Glazier, BM Wilson, PH Pollock
European Political Science 20 (3), 427, 2020
A two‐tiered method for identifying trends in media framing of policy issues: The case of the war on terror
AE Boydstun, RA Glazier
Policy Studies Journal 41 (4), 706-735, 2013
Playing to the crowd: Agenda control in presidential debates
AE Boydstun, RA Glazier, MT Pietryka
Political Communication 30 (2), 254-277, 2013
Age, gender, and student success: Mixing face-to-face and online courses in political science
RA Glazier, K Hamann, PH Pollock, BM Wilson
Journal of Political Science Education 16 (2), 142-157, 2020
Real-time reactions to a 2012 presidential debate: A method for understanding which messages matter
AE Boydstun, RA Glazier, MT Pietryka, P Resnik
Public Opinion Quarterly 78 (S1), 330-343, 2014
Divine direction: How providential religious beliefs shape foreign policy attitudes
RA Glazier
Foreign Policy Analysis 9 (2), 127-142, 2013
Bridging religion and politics: The impact of providential religious beliefs on political activity
RA Glazier
Politics and Religion 8 (3), 458-487, 2015
Connecting in the online classroom: Building rapport between teachers and students
RA Glazier
JHU Press, 2021
Framing, identity, and responsibility: do episodic vs. thematic framing effects vary by target population?
JT Feezell, RA Glazier, AE Boydstun
Politics, Groups, and Identities, 2021
Instructor presence and student satisfaction across modalities: Survey data on student preferences in online and on-campus courses
RA Glazier, HS Harris
International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning 22 (3), 77-98, 2021
In the wake of a terrorist attack, do Americans’ attitudes toward Muslims decline?
AE Boydstun, JT Feezell, RA Glazier
Research & Politics 5 (4), 2053168018806391, 2018
How teaching with rapport can improve online student success and retention: Data from two empirical studies
RA Glazier, HS Harris
Quarterly Review of Distance Education 21 (4), 1-17, 2020
Media, information, and political participation: The importance of online news sources in the absence of a free press
S Karakaya, RA Glazier
Journal of Information Technology & Politics 16 (3), 290-306, 2019
Agenda control in the 2008 presidential debates
AE Boydstun, RA Glazier, C Phillips
American Politics Research 41 (5), 863-899, 2013
What drives student success? Assessing the combined effect of transfer students and online courses
RA Glazier, K Hamann, PH Pollock, BM Wilson
Teaching in Higher Education 26 (6), 839-854, 2021
Making human connections in online teaching
RA Glazier
PS: Political Science & Politics 54 (1), 175-176, 2021
Common traits of the best online and face-to-face classes: Evidence from student surveys
R Glazier, HS Harris
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Articles 1–20