Jordan Louviere
Jordan Louviere
Research Professor. School of Marketing, University of South Australia
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Firm Resources and Sustained Competitive Advantage
J Barney
Journal of Management, 1991
Stated choice methods: analysis and applications
JJ Louviere
Cambridge University Press, 2000
Design and analysis of simulated consumer choice or allocation experiments: an approach based on aggregate data
JJ Louviere, G Woodworth
Journal of marketing research 20 (4), 350-367, 1983
Combining revealed and stated preference methods for valuing environmental amenities
W Adamowicz, J Louviere, M Williams
Journal of environmental economics and management 26 (3), 271-292, 1994
Stated preference approaches for measuring passive use values: choice experiments and contingent valuation
W Adamowicz, P Boxall, M Williams, J Louviere
American journal of agricultural economics 80 (1), 64-75, 1998
Conducting discrete choice experiments to inform healthcare decision making: a user’s guide
E Lancsar, J Louviere
Pharmacoeconomics 26, 661-677, 2008
The role of the scale parameter in the estimation and comparison of multinomial logit models
J Swait, J Louviere
Journal of marketing research 30 (3), 305-314, 1993
Analyzing Decision Making: Metric Conjoint Analysis
JJ Louviere
Sage Publications, 1988
What will consumers pay for social product features?
P Auger, P Burke, TM Devinney, JJ Louviere
Journal of business ethics 42, 281-304, 2003
A comparison of stated preference methods for environmental valuation
PC Boxall, WL Adamowicz, J Swait, M Williams, J Louviere
Ecological economics 18 (3), 243-253, 1996
Determining the appropriate response to evidence of public concern: the case of food safety
A Finn, JJ Louviere
Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 11 (2), 12-25, 1992
Conjoint analysis modelling of stated preferences: a review of theory, methods, recent developments and external validity
JJ Louviere
Journal of transport economics and policy, 93-119, 1988
The generalized multinomial logit model: accounting for scale and coefficient heterogeneity
DG Fiebig, MP Keane, J Louviere, N Wasi
Marketing science 29 (3), 393-421, 2010
Discrete choice experiments are not conjoint analysis
JJ Louviere, TN Flynn, RT Carson
Journal of choice modelling 3 (3), 57-72, 2010
The impact of brand credibility on consumer price sensitivity
T Erdem, J Swait, J Louviere
International journal of Research in Marketing 19 (1), 1-19, 2002
Best-worst scaling: Theory, methods and applications
JJ Louviere, TN Flynn, AAJ Marley
Cambridge University Press, 2015
Best–worst scaling: what it can do for health care research and how to do it
TN Flynn, JJ Louviere, TJ Peters, J Coast
Journal of health economics 26 (1), 171-189, 2007
Some probabilistic models of best, worst, and best–worst choices
AAJ Marley, JJ Louviere
Journal of mathematical psychology 49 (6), 464-480, 2005
Perceptions versus objective measures of environmental quality in combined revealed and stated preference models of environmental valuation
W Adamowicz, J Swait, P Boxall, J Louviere, M Williams
Journal of environmental economics and management 32 (1), 65-84, 1997
Teacher retention and attrition: Views of early career teachers
J Buchanan, A Prescott, S Schuck, P Aubusson, P Burke
Australian Journal of Teacher Education (Online) 38 (3), 124-141, 2013
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