Cristian Gaedicke
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Cited by
Concrete fracture prediction using bilinear softening
J Roesler, GH Paulino, K Park, C Gaedicke
Cement and Concrete Composites 29 (4), 300-312, 2007
Fracture behavior of functionally graded concrete materials for rigid pavements
J Roesler, G Paulino, C Gaedicke, A Bordelon, K Park
Transportation Research Record 2037 (1), 40-49, 2007
A method to correlate splitting tensile strength and compressive strength of pervious concrete cylinders and cores
C Gaedicke, A Torres, KCT Huynh, A Marines
Construction and Building Materials 125, 271-278, 2016
Fatigue crack growth prediction in concrete slabs
C Gaedicke, J Roesler, S Shah
International Journal of Fatigue 31 (8-9), 1309-1317, 2009
Assessing the abrasion resistance of cores in virgin and recycled aggregate pervious concrete
C Gaedicke, A Marines, F Miankodila
Construction and Building Materials 68, 701-708, 2014
A method for comparing cores and cast cylinders in virgin and recycled aggregate pervious concrete
C Gaedicke, A Marines, F Miankodila
Construction and Building Materials 52, 494-503, 2014
Three-dimensional cohesive crack model prediction of the flexural capacity of concrete slabs on soil
C Gaedicke, J Roesler, F Evangelista Jr
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 94, 1-12, 2012
Fracture-based method to determine the flexural load capacity of concrete slabs
C Gaedicke, J Roesler
FAA COE Rep (31), 2009
Modeling Portland blast-furnace slag cement high-performance concrete
C Videla, C Gaedicke
Materials Journal 101 (5), 365-375, 2004
Design and development of a virtual reality educational game for architectural and construction reviews
F Castronovo, D Nikolic, SM Ventura, V Shroff, A Nguyen, NHP Dinh, ...
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 2019
Fracture Behavior and Properties of Functionally Graded Fiber‐Reinforced Concrete
J Roesler, A Bordelon, C Gaedicke, K Park, G Paulino
AIP Conference Proceedings 973 (1), 513-518, 2008
Fracture mechanics analysis for saw cutting requirements of concrete pavements
C Gaedicke, S Villalobos, J Roesler, D Lange
Transportation research record 2020 (1), 20-29, 2007
Comparing design void content with actual void content of laboratory prepared pervious concrete
A Torres, C Gaedicke, J Hu, R Bejugam, S McMasters
Materials Sciences and Applications 9 (7), 596-613, 2018
Application of a virtual reality educational game to improve design review skills
VR Kandi, P Brittle, F Castronovo, C Gaedicke
Construction Research Congress 2020, 545-554, 2020
Fracture-based method to determine flexural capacity of concrete beams on soil
C Gaedicke, J Roesler
Road materials and pavement design 11 (2), 361-385, 2010
Developing high strength pervious concrete mixtures with local materials
A Torres, F Aguayo, C Gaedicke, P Nerby, M Cavazos, C Nerby
Journal of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering 8 (1), 20-34, 2019
Perspective of the last planner: Effectiveness of the traditional critical path method in comparison with the last planner system
P Brittle, C Gaedicke, R Akhavian
Journal of Supply Chain and Operations Management 16 (1), 59-81, 2018
Effect of recycled materials and compaction methods on the mechanical properties and solar reflectance index of pervious concrete Efecto del uso de materiales reciclados y …
C Gaedicke, A Marines, L Mata, F Miankodila
Fiber reinforced concrete for airfield rigid pavements
JR Roesler, MC Gaedicke
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Illinois …, 2004
Efecto del uso de materiales reciclados y métodos de compactación en las propiedades mecánicas e índice de reflectancia solar del hormigón permeable
C Gaedicke, A Marines, L Mata, F Miankodila
Revista ingeniería de construcción 30 (3), 159-167, 2015
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Articles 1–20