Yongsheng Li
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Cited by
Static bending and free vibration of a functionally graded piezoelectric microplate based on the modified couple-stress theory
YS Li, E Pan
International Journal of Engineering Science 97, 40-59, 2015
Effect of Dislocations on Spinodal Decomposition in Fe-Cr Alloys
Journal of Nuclear Materials 395, 120–130, 2009
Correlation of the microstructure and mechanical properties of Zr-based in-situ bulk metallic glass matrix composites
CTL JL Cheng, G Chen, F Xu, YL Du, YS Li
Intermetallics 18, 2425-2430, 2010
Phase decomposition and morphology characteristic in thermal aging Fe–Cr alloys under applied strain: A phase-field simulation
YS Li, H Zhu, L Zhang, XL Cheng
Journal of nuclear materials 429 (1-3), 13-18, 2012
Microscopic phase-field simulation of the early precipitation mechanism of Ni3Al phase in Ni–Al alloys
YL Lu, Z Chen, YX Wang
Materials Letters 62 (8-9), 1385-1388, 2008
Experimental observation of ionization and shock fronts in foam targets driven by thermal radiation
Z Ji-Yan, Y Jia-Min, J Shao-En, L Yong-Sheng, Y Guo-Hong, D Yao-Nan, ...
Chinese Physics B 19 (2), 025201, 2010
Microscopic phase-field simulation coupled with elastic strain energy for precipitation process of Ni-Cr-Al alloys with low Al content
Y LU, C Zheng, Y LI, Y WANG
Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China 17 (1), 64-71, 2007
Effects of temperature gradient and elastic strain on spinodal decomposition and microstructure evolution of binary alloys
WL Y Li, Y Pang, X Wu
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 22, 035009, 2014
Phase field simulation of precipitates morphology with dislocations under applied stress
Y Li, Y Yu, X Cheng, G Chen
Materials Science and Engineering: A 528 (29-30), 8628-8634, 2011
Microscopic phase-field simulation of atomic migration characteristics in Ni75AlxV25− x alloys
YS Li, Z Chen, YL Lu, YX Wang, QB Lai
Materials Letters 61 (4-5), 974-978, 2007
Dynamic scaling behaviour of late-stage phase separation in Ni75AlxV25− x alloys
L Yong-Sheng, C Zheng, L Yan-Li, X Guo-Dong
Chinese Physics 16 (3), 854, 2007
Phase-field simulation of diffusion-controlled coarsening kinetics of γ′ phase in Ni–Al alloy
ZH Y Pang, Y Li, X Wu, W Liu
International Journal of Materials Research 106, 108-113, 2015
Effects of applied strain on interface microstructure and interdiffusion in the diffusion couples
Y Li, L Zhang, H Zhu, Y Pang
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 44, 3060-3068, 2013
Computer simulation for the precipitation process of Ni75Al7. 5V17. 5 alloy
Y Li, Z Chen, Y Lu, Y Wang, J Zhang
Progress in Natural Science 14 (12), 1099-1103, 2004
Phase field simulation of morphology evolution and coarsening of γ′ intermetallic phase in Ni–Al alloy
XL Cheng, YS Li, L Zhang, H Zhu
Materials Science and Technology 29 (3), 364-369, 2013
Shock wave velocity measurement in the Al2O3 under ultrahigh pressure
F Wang, XS Peng, SY Liu, YS Li, XH Jiang, YK Ding
Chinese Physics B 20 (6), 065202, 2011
Coarsening kinetics of intermetallic precipitates in Ni75AlxV25−x alloys
YS Li, Z Chen, YL Lu, YX Wang
Journal of materials research 22, 61-67, 2007
Computer simulation of ordered interphase boundary structure of Ni-Al-V alloy using microscopic phase-field method
YS Li, Z Chen, YL Lu, YX Wang, Z Chu
Rare Metal Materials and Engineering 35 (2), 200-204, 2006
Computer simulation of γ′ and θ phase precipitation of Ni-Al-V alloy using microscopic phase-field method
李永胜, 陈铮, 王永欣, 卢艳丽
中国有色金属学会会刊: 英文版 15 (1), 57-63, 2005
Interdiffusion Flux and Interface Movement in Metallic Multilayers
YS Li, XL Cheng, F Xu, YL Du
Chinese Physics Letters 28 (10), 106601, 2011
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Articles 1–20