Nhu-Ngoc Dao
Nhu-Ngoc Dao
Sejong University, Department of Computer Science and Engineering
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Cited by
Routing in Flying Ad Hoc Networks: A Comprehensive Survey
DS Lakew, U Sa’ad, NN Dao, W Na, S Cho
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 22 (2), 1071-1120, 2020
Survey on aerial radio access networks: Toward a comprehensive 6G access infrastructure
NN Dao, QV Pham, NH Tu, TT Thanh, VNQ Bao, DS Lakew, S Cho
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 23 (2), 1193-1225, 2021
Virtual Field Trip for Mobile Construction Safety Education using 360-degree Panoramic Virtual Reality
HC Pham, NN Dao, A Pedro, QT Le, R Hussain, S Cho, CS Park
International Journal of Engineering Education 34 (4), 1174-1191, 2018
A feasible method to combat against DDoS attack in SDN network
NN Dao, J Park, M Park, S Cho
29th International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN), 309-311, 2015
Securing heterogeneous IoT with intelligent DDoS attack behavior learning
NN Dao, TV Phan, U Sa’ad, J Kim, T Bauschert, DT Do, S Cho
IEEE Systems Journal 16 (2), 1974-1983, 2021
DeepGuard: Efficient Anomaly Detection in SDN With Fine-Grained Traffic Flow Monitoring
TV Phan, TG Nguyen, NN Dao, TT Huong, NH Thanh, T Bauschert
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 17 (3), 1349-1362, 2020
Multi-tier multi-access edge computing: The role for the fourth industrial revolution
NN Dao, Y Lee, S Cho, E Kim, KS Chung, C Keum
8th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology …, 2017
Intelligent offloading and resource allocation in heterogeneous aerial access IoT networks
DS Lakew, AT Tran, NN Dao, S Cho
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 10 (7), 5704-5718, 2022
A LSTM-FCNN based multi-class intrusion detection using scalable framework
SK Sahu, DP Mohapatra, JK Rout, KS Sahoo, QV Pham, NN Dao
Computers and Electrical Engineering 99, 107720, 2022
A contemporary survey on live video streaming from a computation-driven perspective
NN Dao, AT Tran, NH Tu, TT Thanh, VNQ Bao, S Cho
ACM Computing Surveys 54 (10s), 1-38, 2022
Energy-Efficient Learning System Using Web-Based Panoramic Virtual Photoreality for Interactive Construction Safety Education
HC Pham, NN Dao, JU Kim, S Cho, CS Park
Sustainability 10 (7), 2262, 2018
Resource-aware relay selection for inter-cell interference avoidance in 5G heterogeneous network for Internet of Things systems
NN Dao, M Park, J Kim, J Paek, S Cho
Future Generation Computer Systems 93, 877-887, 2019
Adaptive Resource Balancing for Serviceability Maximization in Fog Radio Access Networks
NN Dao, J Lee, DN Vu, J Paek, J Kim, S Cho, KS Chung, C Keum
IEEE Access 5, 14548-14559, 2017
Frequency resource allocation and interference management in mobile edge computing for an Internet of Things system
W Na, S Jang, Y Lee, L Park, NN Dao, S Cho
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 6 (3), 4910-4920, 2018
Real-Time Task Assignment Approach Leveraging Reinforcement Learning with Evolution Strategies for Long-Term Latency Minimization in Fog Computing
L Mai, NN Dao, M Park
Sensors 18 (9), 2830, 2018
Blockchain Based Billing System for Electric Vehicle and Charging Station
S Jeong, NN Dao, Y Lee, C Lee, S Cho
10th International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN), 308-310, 2018
Internet of wearable things: Advancements and benefits from 6G technologies
NN Dao
Future Generation Computer Systems 138, 172-184, 2023
User-Aware and Flexible Proactive Caching using LSTM and Ensemble Learning in IoT-MEC Networks
TV Nguyen, NN Dao, VD Tuong, W Noh, S Cho
IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2021
SGCO: Stabilized Green Crosshaul Orchestration for Dense IoT Offloading Services
NN Dao, DN Vu, W Na, J Kim, S Cho
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 36 (11), 2538-2548, 2018
HAMEC-RSMA: Enhanced aerial computing systems with rate splitting multiple access
TP Truong, NN Dao, S Cho
IEEE Access 10, 52398-52409, 2022
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Articles 1–20