giovanna ruello
giovanna ruello
IPCF-CNR, viale F. Stagno d’Alcontres 37, Faro Superiore, 98158 Messina, Italy.
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Cited by
Role of the OH and NH vibrational groups in polysaccharide-nanocomposite interactions: A FTIR-ATR study on chitosan and chitosan/clay films
C Branca, G D'Angelo, C Crupi, K Khouzami, S Rifici, G Ruello, ...
Polymer 99, 614-622, 2016
Rapid turnover of the cardiac L-Type CaV1. 2 channel by endocytic recycling regulates its cell surface availability
R Conrad, G Stölting, J Hendriks, G Ruello, D Kortzak, N Jordan, ...
Iscience 7, 1-15, 2018
Visualization of directional beaming of weakly localized Raman from a random network of silicon nanowires
MJ Lo Faro, G Ruello, AA Leonardi, D Morganti, A Irrera, F Priolo, S Gigan, ...
Advanced Science 8 (14), 2100139, 2021
Intermediate range order in alkaline borate glasses
C Crupi, G Carini, G Ruello, G D’Angelo
Philosophical Magazine 96 (7-9), 788-799, 2016
Learner-centered didactics: Towards a new model of experiential education
G Ruello, A Capodici
Atti della Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti-Classe di Scienze Fisiche …, 2021
Rapid turnover of the cardiac L-type CaV1. 2 channel by endocytic recycling regulates its cell surface availability. iScience 7, 1–15
R Conrad, G Stölting, J Hendriks, G Ruello, D Kortzak, N Jordan, ...
Mirage in a box: a classroom activity on the refractive index gradient
U Wanderlingh, C Branca, VC Nibali, G Ruello
Atti della Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti-Classe di Scienze Fisiche …, 2021
Raman Spectroscopy: Methods and Techniques for Applications in Cultural Heritage
G Ruello, AA Leonardi, D Morganti, MJ Lo Faro, A Irrera, B Fazio
Handbook of Cultural Heritage Analysis, 559-579, 2022
Directional control of weakly localized Raman from a random network of fractal nanowires
MJL Faro, G Ruello, AA Leonardi, D Morganti, A Irrera, F Priolo, S Gigan, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.06486, 2020
Pressure dependence of the intermediate-range structure and the boson peak in oxide glasses
G Ruello
Structural investigation and laser plasma diagnostics of borate glasses containing silver nanoparticles
G D'Angelo, C Branca, G Carini, G Ceccio, C Crupi, S Rifici, G Ruello, ...
Journal of Instrumentation 11 (05), C05005, 2016
Use of Differential Scanning Calorimetry for Pore Size Distribution Measurements
G Ruello
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Articles 1–12