Ashwin Mohan
Ashwin Mohan
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Professional skills in the engineering curriculum
A Mohan, D Merle, C Jackson, J Lannin, SS Nair
IEEE Transactions on Education 53 (4), 562-571, 2009
Computational model of extracellular glutamate in the nucleus accumbens incorporates neuroadaptations by chronic cocaine
S Pendyam, A Mohan, PW Kalivas, SS Nair
Neuroscience 158 (4), 1266-1276, 2009
Nature of science and nature of scientists: Implications for university education in the natural sciences
A Mohan, GJ Kelly
Science & Education 29 (5), 1097-1116, 2020
Molecular diffusion model of neurotransmitter homeostasis around synapses supporting gradients
A Mohan, S Pendyam, PW Kalivas, SS Nair
Neural computation 23 (4), 984-1014, 2011
Role of perisynaptic parameters in neurotransmitter homeostasis—computational study of a general synapse
S Pendyam, A Mohan, PW Kalivas, SS Nair
Synapse 66 (7), 608-621, 2012
Perceptions of professional skills by graduate students—a comparative study between engineering, education and biology
CC Franklin, A Mohan, D Merle, JK Lannin, SS Nair
International Journal of Engineering Education 28 (3), 588, 2012
Philosophical standpoints of textbooks in quantum mechanics
AK Mohan
Science & Education 29 (3), 549-569, 2020
Socially Engaged Engineering: A Framework for K-8 Education
CM Cunningham, GJ Kelly, A Mohan
Journal of Pre-College Engineering Education Research (J-PEER) 13 (2), 7, 2023
Modeling the rapid transmission of information within a social group of insects: emergent patterns in the antipredator signals
R Borduin, K Ramaswamy, A Mohan, R Cocroft, SS Nair
Dynamic Systems and Control Conference 43352, 1441-1447, 2008
A Fuzzy Controller Developed in RSLogix 5000 Using Ladder Logic and Function Blocks Implemented on a Control Logix PLC
A Mohan, R McLaren (Thesis Advisor)
University of Missouri-Columbia, 2004
Integrating neuroscience into the K-12 computer science curriculum
A Mohan, N Pandya, N Ross, S Anjur, SS Nair
K-8 Computational Thinking through Engineering (Fundamental)
CM Cunningham, DN Shah, AK Mohan, GJ Kelly
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 2023
Socially Engaged Engineering: A Framework for K-8 Education (Fundamental, Diversity)
CM Cunningham, GJ Kelly, AK Mohan
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 2023
Socialization of Graduate Students Into Epistemic Cultures: The Nature of Science and the Nature of Scientists
A Mohan
The Pennsylvania State University, 2023
Stochastic Model of Glutamatergic PFC-NAc Synapse Predicts Cocaine-Induced Changes in Receptor Occupancy
A Mohan, S Pendyam, BC Enke, P Kalivas, SS Nair
Dynamic Systems and Control Conference 48920, 57-64, 2009
Computational neural models at molecular, cellular and behavioral levels---three case studies
A Mohan, S Nair (Dissertation Advisor)
University of Missouri at Columbia, 2009
New Research on Neuronal Networks
A Mohan, S Pendyam, S Li, Guoshi, Kalivas, Peter, Nair
Nova Science Publishers Inc, 2008
Computational Models of Neuronal Networks - Modeling Neuroplasticity in PFC-NAc Glu Transmission due to Cocaine
A Mohan, S Pendyam, J Gall, G Li, P Kalivas, S Nair
New Research on Neuronal Networks, 65-107, 2008
Glutamate Dynamics in the PFC-NAC Synapse
A Mohan, J Gall, S Nair, P Kalivas
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 47683, 767-772, 2006
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Articles 1–19