Luke Etchison, PhD
Luke Etchison, PhD
North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission
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Cited by
Range estimates and habitat use of invasive Silver Carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix): evidence of sedentary and mobile individuals
AR Prechtel, AA Coulter, L Etchison, PR Jackson, RR Goforth
Hydrobiologia 805, 203-218, 2018
Wabash River Freshwater Drum Aplodinotus grunniens Diet: Effects of Body Size, Sex, and River Gradient
SJ Jacquemin, M Pyron, M Allen, L Etchison
Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 5 (1), 133-140, 2014
Are long-term fish assemblage changes in a large US river related to the Asian Carp invasion? Test of the hostile take-over and opportunistic dispersal hypotheses
M Pyron, JC Becker, KJ Broadway, L Etchison, M Minder, D DeColibus, ...
Aquatic Sciences 79, 631-642, 2017
Morphological variation of rusty crayfish Orconectes rusticus (Cambaridae) with gender and local scale spatial gradients
L Etchison, SJ Jacquemin, M Allen, M Pyron
International Journal of Biology 4 (1), 163-171, 2011
Population estimate of the state and federally threatened Spotfin Chub using underwater observations
JC Doll, L Etchison, D Owensby
North American Journal of Fisheries Management 40 (2), 342-353, 2020
Long-term trends in CPUE and relative weight of six fish species in the Wabash River, USA, prior to and following silver carp invasion
R Shields, M Pyron, M Minder, L Etchison
Hydrobiologia 848 (19), 4453-4465, 2021
Long‐Term Population Dynamics and Habitat Association of the Federally Threatened Spotfin Chub in the Little Tennessee River
JC Doll, L Etchison, WT Russ, SJ Fraley
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 149 (5), 587-599, 2020
Fish assemblages of floodplain lakes in the Ohio River Basin
M Pyron, L Etchison, J Backus
Northeastern Naturalist 21 (3), 419-430, 2014
Day and night substrate use in six minnow species
LJ Etchison, M Pyron
The american midland naturalist 171 (2), 321-327, 2014
State-space models to describe survival of an endemic species in the Little Tennessee River basin
JC Doll, L Etchison, D Owensby
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 11, 1097389, 2023
GIS Habitat Associations of Large River Fish Assemblages From Side-Scan Sonar
LJ Etchison
Ball State University, 2018
Off-Channel Habitats of the Patoka River, Indiana
M Minder, M Pyron, L Etchison
145th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, 2015
Fish Assemblages, Substrate, and Current Velocity of the Wabash River.
SJ Jacquemin, M Pyron, L Etchison, R Goforth
Temporal and Spatial Morphological Variation of Northern Crayfish (Orconectes virilis).
SJ Jacquemin, L Etchison, M Pyron
Diel Variation in Substrate Preference of Cyprinid Fishes
L Etchison
Ball State University, 2012
Multi-Species Occupancy Modeling: Sharing Information across Groups
J Doll, L Etchison, DP Owensby, J Mays
American Fisheries Society 150th Annual Meeting, 0
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Articles 1–16