Tony C. Perez
Tony C. Perez
Associate Professor of Edcuational Psychology, Old Dominion University
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The role of identity development, values, and costs in college STEM retention.
T Perez, JG Cromley, A Kaplan
Journal of educational psychology 106 (1), 315, 2014
Undergraduate STEM achievement and retention: Cognitive, motivational, and institutional factors and solutions
JG Cromley, T Perez, A Kaplan
Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences 3 (1), 4-11, 2016
Motivation in transition: Development and roles of expectancy, task values, and costs in early college engineering.
KA Robinson, Y Lee, EA Bovee, T Perez, SP Walton, D Briedis, ...
Journal of Educational Psychology 111 (6), 1081, 2019
From science student to scientist: Predictors and outcomes of heterogeneous science identity trajectories in college.
KA Robinson, T Perez, AK Nuttall, CJ Roseth, L Linnenbrink-Garcia
Developmental Psychology 54 (10), 1977-1992, 2018
Multiple pathways to success: An examination of integrative motivational profiles among upper elementary and college students.
L Linnenbrink-Garcia, SV Wormington, KE Snyder, J Riggsbee, T Perez, ...
Journal of Educational Psychology, 2018
The effects of self-regulated learning training on community college students’ metacognition and achievement in developmental math courses
L Bol, KDY Campbell, T Perez, CJ Yen
Community College Journal of Research and Practice 40 (6), 480-495, 2016
Science identity development trajectories in a gateway college chemistry course: Predictors and relations to achievement and STEM pursuit
KA Robinson, T Perez, JH Carmel, L Linnenbrink-Garcia
Contemporary educational psychology 56, 180-192, 2019
Interrelations among expectancies, task values, and perceived costs in undergraduate biology achievement
T Perez, T Dai, A Kaplan, JG Cromley, WD Brooks, AC White, KR Mara, ...
Learning and Individual Differences 72, 26-38, 2019
Science expectancy, value, and cost profiles and their proximal and distal relations to undergraduate science, technology, engineering, and math persistence
T Perez, SV Wormington, MM Barger, RD Schwartz-Bloom, Y Lee, ...
Science Education, 1-23, 2019
Repairing the leaky pipeline: A motivationally supportive intervention to enhance persistence in undergraduate science pathways
L Linnenbrink-Garcia, T Perez, MM Barger, SV Wormington, E Godin, ...
Contemporary Educational Psychology 53, 181-195, 2018
Constructivism and personal epistemology development in undergraduate chemistry students
MM Barger, T Perez, DA Canelas, L Linnebrink-Garcia
Learning and Individual Differences 63, 89-101, 2018
The Role of Context in Educational RCT Findings: A Call to Redefine “Evidence-Based Practice”
A Kaplan, J Cromley, T Perez, T Dai, K Mara, M Balsai
Educational Researcher 49 (4), 285-288, 2020
Changes in race and sex stereotype threat among diverse STEM students: Relation to grades and retention in the majors
JG Cromley, T Perez, TW Wills, JC Tanaka, EMN Horvat, ETB Agbenyega
Contemporary Educational Psychology 38 (3), 247-258, 2013
The role of stereotype threat in ethnically minoritized students’ science motivation: A four-year longitudinal study of achievement and persistence in STEM
DA Totonchi, T Perez, Y Lee, KA Robinson, L Linnenbrink-Garcia
Contemporary educational psychology 67, 102015, 2021
Improving students’ diagram comprehension with classroom instruction
JG Cromley, TC Perez, SL Fitzhugh, NS Newcombe, TW Wills, JC Tanaka
The Journal of Experimental Education 81 (4), 511-537, 2013
Gender differences and roles of two science self-efficacy beliefs in predicting post-college outcomes
KA Robinson, T Perez, A White-Levatich, L Linnenbrink-Garcia
The Journal of Experimental Education 90 (2), 344-363, 2022
Combined Cognitive-Motivational Modules Delivered via an LMS Increase Undergraduate Biology Grades.
JG Cromley, T Perez, A Kaplan, T Dai, K Mara, MJ Balsai
Technology, Mind, and Behavior 1 (2), 2020
k., & Linnenbrink‐Garcia, L.(2019). Science expectancy, value, and cost profiles and their proximal and distal relations to undergraduate science, technology, engineering, and …
T Perez, SV Wormington, MM Barger, RD Schwartz‐Bloom, Y Lee
Science Education 103 (2), 264-286, 0
A pharmacology-based enrichment program for undergraduates promotes interest in science
EA Godin, SV Wormington, T Perez, MM Barger, KE Snyder, LS Richman, ...
CBE—Life Sciences Education 14 (4), ar40, 2015
Supporting the development of transformative experience and interest
Interest in Mathematics and Science Learning, 2015
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Articles 1–20