Krzysztof Labus
Krzysztof Labus
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Cited by
Thermal conductivity and diffusivity of fine-grained sedimentary rocks
M Labus, K Labus
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 132, 1669-1676, 2018
Modeling hydrogen–rock–brine interactions for the Jurassic reservoir and cap rocks from Polish Lowlands
K Labus, R Tarkowski
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 47 (20), 10947-10962, 2022
CO2 mineral sequestration mechanisms and capacity of saline aquifers of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin (Central Europe)-Modeling and experimental verification
K Labus, P Bujok
Energy 36 (8), 4974-4982, 2011
Hydraulic fracturing in enhanced geothermal systems—field, tectonic and rock mechanics conditions—a review
R Moska, K Labus, P Kasza
Energies 14 (18), 5725, 2021
Experimental modeling of abandoned shallow oil wells convergence
P Bujok, M Porzer, K Labus, M Klempa, J Pavluš
Engineering Geology 157, 1-7, 2013
Modeling gas–rock–water interactions in carbon dioxide storage capacity assessment: a case study of Jurassic sandstones in Poland
K Labus, R Tarkowski, M Wdowin
International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 12, 2493-2502, 2015
Assessment of CO2 sequestration capacity based on hydrogeochemical model of Water-Rock-Gas interactions in the potential storage site within the Bełchatów area (Poland)
K Labus, R Tarkowski, M Wdowin
Gospodarka Surowcami Mineralnymi 26, 69-84, 2010
Determination of the pore space parameters in microporous rocks by means of thermal methods
M Labus, K Labus, P Bujok
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 127, 482-489, 2015
Analysis of the applicability of foamed fracturing fluids
K Wilk, P Kasza, K Labus
Nafta-Gaz 71 (6), 2015
Predicting the interactions of H2S-CO2 mixtures with aquifer rock, based on experiments and geochemical modeling
K Labus, K Suchodolska
Procedia Earth and Planetary Science 17, 288-291, 2017
Origin of sulfates in the post-mining lakes in the eastern part of Muskau Arch (Polish-German borderland)
KM Labus, S Skoczyńska-Gajda
Geological Quarterly 57 (3), 2013
Heavy-metal emissions from coal combustion in Southwestern Poland
K Labus
Energy 20 (11), 1115-1119, 1995
Preliminary geochemical modeling of water–rock–gas interactions controlling CO2 storage in the Badenian Aquifer within Czech Part of Vienna Basin
K Labus, P Bujok, M Klempa, M Porzer, D Matýsek
Environmental Earth Sciences 75, 1-13, 2016
Identification of processes controlling chemical composition of pit lakes waters located in the eastern part of Muskau Arch (Polish-German borderland)/Identyfikacja procesów …
S Lutyńska, K Labus
Archives of Environmental Protection, 2015
Metody odsalania wód kopalnianych w praktyce przemysłowej-stan obecny technologii i nowe wyzwania
M Bobik, K Labus
Przegląd Górniczy 70 (4), 99--105, 2014
Results of mineralogic-petrographical studies and numerical modeling of water-rock-CO2 system of the potential storage site within the Belchatow area (Poland)
R Tarkowski, M Wdowin, K Labus
Energy Procedia 4, 3450-3456, 2011
Thermal parameters of roofing slates from Czech Republic
M Labus, K Labus, P Bujok
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 140, 2215-2223, 2020
A concept of hydraulic fracturing flowback treatment using electrodialysis reversal
M Turek, K Labus, P Dydo, K Mitko, E Laskowska, A Jakóbik-Kolon
Desalination and Water Treatment 64, 228-232, 2017
Modeling hydrochemical effects of carbon dioxide sequestration in saline aquifers of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin
K Labus
Wydawnictwo Politechniki Śląskiej, 2009
Thermal properties of rocks from deep boreholes in Poland in terms of obtaining geothermal energy from enhanced geothermal systems.
K Labus, M Labus, G Leśniak
Advances in Geo-Energy Research 8 (2), 2023
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Articles 1–20