Christopher Bobko
Christopher Bobko
Zahn Innovation Center at CCNY | Hyperloop Transportation Technologies
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Statistical indentation techniques for hydrated nanocomposites: concrete, bone, and shale
FJ Ulm, M Vandamme, C Bobko, J Alberto Ortega, K Tai, C Ortiz
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 90 (9), 2677-2692, 2007
Surface roughness criteria for cement paste nanoindentation
M Miller, C Bobko, M Vandamme, FJ Ulm
Cement and Concrete Research 38 (4), 467-476, 2008
Mechanical properties of kenaf fiber reinforced concrete
A Elsaid, M Dawood, R Seracino, C Bobko
Construction and Building Materials 25 (4), 1991-2001, 2011
The nano-mechanical morphology of shale
C Bobko, FJ Ulm
Mechanics of Materials 40 (4-5), 318-337, 2008
Does microstructure matter for statistical nanoindentation techniques?
FJ Ulm, M Vandamme, HM Jennings, J Vanzo, M Bentivegna, ...
Cement and Concrete Composites 32 (1), 92-99, 2010
Geomechanics field and laboratory characterization of Woodford shale: the next gas play
Y Abousleiman, M Tran, S Hoang, C Bobko, A Ortega, FJ Ulm
SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition?, SPE-110120-MS, 2007
Correcting the effect size of d for range restriction and unreliability
P Bobko, PL Roth, C Bobko
Organizational Research Methods 4 (1), 46-61, 2001
The nanogranular origin of friction and cohesion in shale—a strength homogenization approach to interpretation of nanoindentation results
CP Bobko, B Gathier, JA Ortega, FJ Ulm, L Borges, YN Abousleiman
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics …, 2011
Micromechanical characterization of shales through nanoindentation and energy dispersive x-ray spectrometry
YB Veytskin, VK Tammina, CP Bobko, PG Hartley, MB Clennell, ...
Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment 9, 21-35, 2017
Nanoscale mechanical properties of concrete containing blast furnace slag and fly ash before and after thermal damage
VZ Zadeh, CP Bobko
Cement and Concrete Composites 37, 215-221, 2013
Nano-mechanical properties of internally cured kenaf fiber reinforced concrete using nanoindentation
VZ Zadeh, CP Bobko
Cement and Concrete Composites 52, 9-17, 2014
Assessing the mechanical microstructure of shale by nanoindentation: The link between mineral composition and mechanical properties
CP Bobko
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2008
Nanoindentation investigation of asphalt binder and mastic cohesion
Y Veytskin, C Bobko, C Castorena, YR Kim
Construction and Building Materials 100, 163-171, 2015
Method of predicting mechanical properties of rocks using mineral compositions provided by in-situ logging tools
Y Abousleiman, FJ Ulm, MH Tran, JA Ortega, CP Bobko, SK Hoang
US Patent 8,380,437, 2013
Nanoindentation and atomic force microscopy investigations of asphalt binder and mastic
Y Veytskin, C Bobko, C Castorena
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 28 (6), 04016019, 2016
Micropillar compression investigation of size effect on microscale strength and failure mechanism of Calcium-Silicate-Hydrates (CSH) in cement paste
R Shahrin, CP Bobko
Cement and Concrete Research 125, 105863, 2019
Nanoindentation investigation of asphalt binder and mastic viscoelasticity
Y Veytskin, C Bobko, C Castorena
International Journal of Pavement Engineering 17 (4), 363-376, 2016
Improved Schmidt Method for Predicting Temperature Development in Mass Concrete.
CP Bobko, VZ Zadeh, R Seracino
ACI Materials Journal 112 (4), 2015
Nanomechanical characteristics of lightweight aggregate concrete containing supplementary cementitious materials exposed to elevated temperature
VZ Zadeh, CP Bobko
Construction and Building Materials 51, 198-206, 2014
Large-area nanolattice film with enhanced modulus, hardness, and energy dissipation
A Bagal, XA Zhang, R Shahrin, EC Dandley, J Zhao, FR Poblete, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 9145, 2017
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Articles 1–20