Elizabeth Henning
Elizabeth Henning
South Africa Research Chair: Integrated Studies of Learning Language, Science and Mathematics in
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Finding your way in qualitative research
E Henning
Van Schaik, 2004
Investigating the comprehension iceberg: Developing empirical benchmarks for early-grade reading in agglutinating African languages
N Spaull, E Pretorius, N Mohohlwane
South African Journal of Childhood Education 10 (1), 1-14, 2020
Finding your way in academic writing
E Henning, S Gravett, W Van Rensburg
Van Schaik Publishers, 2005
Van Rensburg, W. & Smit, B.(2004)
E Henning
Finding your way in qualitative research 3, 1997
Crossing the digital divide safely and trustingly: how ecologies of learning scaffold the journey
E Henning, D Van der Westhuizen
Computers & Education 42 (4), 333-352, 2004
New teachers look back on their university education: Prepared for teaching, but not for life in the classroom
S Gravett, E Henning, R Eiselen
Education as Change 15 (sup1), S123-S142, 2011
An early numeracy intervention for first-graders at risk for mathematical learning difficulties
P Aunio, J Korhonen, L Ragpot, M Törmänen, E Henning
Early Childhood Research Quarterly 55, 252-262, 2021
Theoretical frameworks
E Henning, W Van Rensburg, B Smit
Finding your way in qualitative research. Pretoria: Van Schaik Publishers, 2004
‘I click, therefore I am (not)’: is cognition ‘distributed’or is it ‘contained’in borderless e‐learning programmes?
E Henning
International Journal of Training and Development 7 (4), 303-317, 2003
Qualitative educational research: soft or solid option
E Henning
South African Journal of Education 15 (1), 29-34, 1995
Designing a tool for history textbook analysis
KE Morgan, E Henning
Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung/Forum: Qualitative Social Research 14 (1), 2013
Walking with “barefoot” teachers: an ethnographically fashioned casebook
E Henning
Teaching and Teacher Education 16 (1), 3-20, 2000
Learning concepts, language, and literacy in hybrid linguistic codes: The multilingual maze of urban grade 1 classrooms in South Africa
E Henning
Perspectives in Education 30 (3), 69-77, 2012
Multi-factorial approach to early numeracy—The effects of cognitive skills, language factors and kindergarten attendance on early numeracy performance of South African first …
P Aunio, J Korhonen, L Ragpot, M Törmänen, R Mononen, E Henning
International Journal of Educational Research 97, 65-76, 2019
New teachers in a pseudocommunity of practitioners
S Whitelaw, J De Beer, E Henning
Education as Change 12 (2), 25-40, 2008
Teaching as dialogic mediation: A learning centred view of higher education
E Gravett, S., Henning
South African Journal of Higher Education 12 (2), 60-68, 1998
Van Rensburg, W and Smit, B. 2004: Finding your way in qualitative research
E Henning
Pretoria. Van Schaik, 0
Pedagogical craft and its science: Janus-faced in pre-service teacher education
E Henning, S Gravett
Education as Change 15 (sup1), S21-S33, 2011
Teachers' understanding of mathematical cognition in childhood: Towards a shift in pedagogical content knowledge?
E Henning
Perspectives in Education 31 (3), 139-154, 2013
University-affiliated schools as sites for research learning in pre-service teacher education
E Henning, G Petker, N Petersen
South African Journal of Education 35 (1), 2015
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Articles 1–20