Judy S. Kim
Judy S. Kim
Lecturer of Materials, University of Oxford and Rosalind Franklin Institute
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Cited by
Imaging of transient structures using nanosecond in situ TEM
JS Kim, T LaGrange, BW Reed, ML Taheri, MR Armstrong, WE King, ...
Science 321 (5895), 1472-1475, 2008
Atomic-scale microstructure of metal halide perovskite
MU Rothmann, JS Kim, J Borchert, KB Lohmann, CM O’Leary, ...
Science 370 (6516), eabb5940, 2020
Nanosecond time-resolved investigations using the in situ of dynamic transmission electron microscope (DTEM)
T LaGrange, GH Campbell, BW Reed, M Taheri, JB Pesavento, JS Kim, ...
Ultramicroscopy 108 (11), 1441-1449, 2008
Influence of shell thickness and surface passivation on PbS/CdS core/shell colloidal quantum dot solar cells
DCJ Neo, C Cheng, SD Stranks, SM Fairclough, JS Kim, AI Kirkland, ...
Chemistry of Materials 26 (13), 4004-4013, 2014
Low-dose phase retrieval of biological specimens using cryo-electron ptychography
L Zhou, J Song, JS Kim, X Pei, C Huang, M Boyce, L Mendonça, D Clare, ...
Nature Communications 11 (1), 2773, 2020
Practical considerations for high spatial and temporal resolution dynamic transmission electron microscopy
MR Armstrong, K Boyden, ND Browning, GH Campbell, JD Colvin, ...
Ultramicroscopy 107 (4-5), 356-367, 2007
Direct characterization of phase transformations and morphologies in moving reaction zones in Al/Ni nanolaminates using dynamic transmission electron microscopy
JS Kim, T LaGrange, BW Reed, R Knepper, TP Weihs, ND Browning, ...
Acta Materialia 59 (9), 3571-3580, 2011
In-situ electron microscopy: applications in physics, chemistry and materials science
G Dehm, JM Howe, J Zweck
John Wiley & Sons, 2012
Antimony thin films demonstrate programmable optical nonlinearity
Z Cheng, T Milne, P Salter, JS Kim, S Humphrey, M Booth, H Bhaskaran
Science advances 7 (1), eabd7097, 2021
Unusual stacking variations in liquid-phase exfoliated transition metal dichalcogenides
A Shmeliov, M Shannon, P Wang, JS Kim, E Okunishi, PD Nellist, K Dolui, ...
ACS nano 8 (4), 3690-3699, 2014
Applications of deep learning in electron microscopy
KP Treder, C Huang, JS Kim, AI Kirkland
Microscopy 71 (Supplement_1), i100-i115, 2022
The development of a 200 kV monochromated field emission electron source
M Mukai, JS Kim, K Omoto, H Sawada, A Kimura, A Ikeda, J Zhou, ...
Ultramicroscopy 140, 37-43, 2014
Controlled radiation damage and edge structures in boron nitride membranes
JS Kim, KB Borisenko, V Nicolosi, AI Kirkland
ACS nano 5 (5), 3977-3986, 2011
Cryogenic electron ptychographic single particle analysis with wide bandwidth information transfer
X Pei, L Zhou, C Huang, M Boyce, JS Kim, E Liberti, Y Hu, T Sasaki, ...
Nature Communications 14 (1), 3027, 2023
Quantifying transient states in materials with the dynamic transmission electron microscope
GH Campbell, T LaGrange, JS Kim, BW Reed, ND Browning
Journal of electron microscopy 59 (S1), S67-S74, 2010
Laser‐based in situ techniques: Novel methods for generating extreme conditions in TEM samples
ML Taheri, T Lagrange, BW Reed, MR Armstrong, GH Campbell, ...
Microscopy research and technique 72 (3), 122-130, 2009
Temperature dependence of atomic vibrations in mono-layer graphene
CS Allen, E Liberti, JS Kim, Q Xu, Y Fan, K He, AW Robertson, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 118 (7), 074302, 2015
Impurity induced non-bulk stacking in chemically exfoliated h-BN nanosheets
A Shmeliov, JS Kim, KB Borisenko, P Wang, E Okunishi, M Shannon, ...
Nanoscale 5 (6), 2290-2294, 2013
Trainable segmentation for transmission electron microscope images of inorganic nanoparticles
CG Bell, KP Treder, JS Kim, ME Schuster, AI Kirkland, TJA Slater
Journal of Microscopy 288 (3), 169-184, 2022
Formation of klein edge doublets from graphene monolayers
JS Kim, JH Warner, AW Robertson, AI Kirkland
ACS nano 9 (9), 8916-8922, 2015
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Articles 1–20