Ruiqin ZHANG
Cited by
Cited by
Growth of nanowires
N Wang, Y Cai, RQ Zhang
Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports 60 (1-6), 1-51, 2008
Oxide‐assisted growth of semiconducting nanowires
RQ Zhang, Y Lifshitz, ST Lee
Advanced Materials 15 (7‐8), 635-640, 2003
A Strategy of Enhancing the Photoactivity of g-C3N4 via Doping of Nonmetal Elements: A First-Principles Study
X Ma, Y Lv, J Xu, Y Liu, R Zhang, Y Zhu
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 116 (44), 23485-23493, 2012
Preparation of large-area uniform silicon nanowires arrays through metal-assisted chemical etching
ML Zhang, KQ Peng, X Fan, JS Jie, RQ Zhang, ST Lee, NB Wong
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 112 (12), 4444-4450, 2008
Motility of metal nanoparticles in silicon and induced anisotropic silicon etching
K Peng, A Lu, R Zhang, ST Lee
Advanced Functional Materials 18 (19), 3026-3035, 2008
Ordered silicon nanowire arrays via nanosphere lithography and metal-induced etching
K Peng, M Zhang, A Lu, NB Wong, R Zhang, ST Lee
Applied physics letters 90 (16), 2007
Strain energy and electronic structures of silicon carbide nanotubes: density functional calculations
M Zhao, Y Xia, F Li, RQ Zhang, ST Lee
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 71 (8), 085312, 2005
Thermal vapor condensation of uniform graphitic carbon nitride films with remarkable photocurrent density for photoelectrochemical applications
J Bian, Q Li, C Huang, J Li, Y Guo, M Zaw, RQ Zhang
Nano Energy 15, 353-361, 2015
The mechanism of diamond nucleation from energetic species
Y Lifshitz, T Kohler, T Frauenheim, I Guzmann, A Hoffman, RQ Zhang, ...
Science 297 (5586), 1531-1533, 2002
Engineering of Facets, Band Structure, and Gas‐Sensing Properties of Hierarchical Sn2+‐Doped SnO2 Nanostructures
H Wang, K Dou, WY Teoh, Y Zhan, TF Hung, F Zhang, J Xu, R Zhang, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 23 (38), 4847-4853, 2013
Silicon nanotubes: Why not?
RQ Zhang, ST Lee, CK Law, WK Li, BK Teo
Chemical physics letters 364 (3-4), 251-258, 2002
Photo and pH stable, highly-luminescent silicon nanospheres and their bioconjugates for immunofluorescent cell imaging
Y He, Y Su, X Yang, Z Kang, T Xu, R Zhang, C Fan, ST Lee
Journal of the American Chemical Society 131 (12), 4434-4438, 2009
Carbon Dot Loading and TiO2 Nanorod Length Dependence of Photoelectrochemical Properties in Carbon Dot/TiO2 Nanorod Array Nanocomposites
J Bian, C Huang, L Wang, TF Hung, WA Daoud, R Zhang
ACS applied materials & interfaces 6 (7), 4883-4890, 2014
Theoretical prediction on aluminum nitride nanotubes
D Zhang, RQ Zhang
Chemical physics letters 371 (3-4), 426-432, 2003
Structures and energetics of hydrogen-terminated silicon nanowire surfaces
RQ Zhang, Y Lifshitz, DDD Ma, YL Zhao, T Frauenheim, ST Lee, SY Tong
The Journal of chemical physics 123 (14), 2005
Evaluating frontier orbital energy and HOMO/LUMO gap with descriptors from density functional reactivity theory
Y Huang, C Rong, R Zhang, S Liu
Journal of molecular modeling 23, 1-12, 2017
Tris (trimethylsilyl) borate as an electrolyte additive for improving interfacial stability of high voltage layered lithium-rich oxide cathode/carbonate-based electrolyte
J Li, L Xing, R Zhang, M Chen, Z Wang, M Xu, W Li
Journal of Power Sources 285, 360-366, 2015
Growth direction and cross‐sectional study of silicon nanowires
CP Li, CS Lee, XL Ma, N Wang, RQ Zhang, ST Lee
Advanced materials 15 (7‐8), 607-609, 2003
Contact formation of LiF/Al cathodes in Alq-based organic light-emitting diodes
LS Hung, RQ Zhang, P He, G Mason
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 35 (2), 103, 2001
Vacancy-defect–induced diminution of thermal conductivity in silicene
H Li, R Zhang
Europhysics Letters 99 (3), 36001, 2012
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