John Assad
John Assad
Harvard Medical School
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Neurons in the orbitofrontal cortex encode economic value
C Padoa-Schioppa, JA Assad
Nature 441 (7090), 223-226, 2006
Experience-dependent representation of visual categories in parietal cortex
DJ Freedman, JA Assad
Nature 443 (7107), 85-88, 2006
Tip-link integrity and mechanical transduction in vertebrate hair cells
JA Assad, GMG Shepherd, DP Corey
Neuron 7 (6), 985-994, 1991
The representation of economic value in the orbitofrontal cortex is invariant for changes of menu
C Padoa-Schioppa, JA Assad
Nature neuroscience 11 (1), 95-102, 2008
Visual response latencies of magnocellular and parvocellular LGN neurons in macaque monkeys
JHR Maunsell, GM Ghose, JA Assad, CJ Mcadams, CE Boudreau, ...
Visual neuroscience 16 (1), 1-14, 1999
Neuronal correlates of inferred motion in primate posterior parietal cortex
JA Assad, JHR Maunsell
Nature 373 (6514), 518-521, 1995
Dynamic coding of behaviourally relevant stimuli in parietal cortex
LJ Toth, JA Assad
Nature 415 (6868), 165-168, 2002
An active motor model for adaptation by vertebrate hair cells
JA Assad, DP Corey
Journal of Neuroscience 12 (9), 3291-3309, 1992
Voltage dependence of adaptation and active bundle movement in bullfrog saccular hair cells.
JA Assad, N Hacohen, DP Corey
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 86 (8), 2918-2922, 1989
Multipoint-emitting optical fibers for spatially addressable in vivo optogenetics
F Pisanello, L Sileo, IA Oldenburg, M Pisanello, L Martiradonna, JA Assad, ...
Neuron 82 (6), 1245-1254, 2014
Dissociation of visual, motor and predictive signals in parietal cortex during visual guidance
EN Eskandar, JA Assad
Nature neuroscience 2 (1), 88-93, 1999
Beyond Poisson: increased spike-time regularity across primate parietal cortex
G Maimon, JA Assad
Neuron 62 (3), 426-440, 2009
A cognitive signal for the proactive timing of action in macaque LIP
G Maimon, JA Assad
Nature neuroscience 9 (7), 948-955, 2006
Parietal activity and the perceived direction of ambiguous apparent motion
ZM Williams, JC Elfar, EN Eskandar, LJ Toth, JA Assad
Nature neuroscience 6 (6), 616-623, 2003
A proposed common neural mechanism for categorization and perceptual decisions
DJ Freedman, JA Assad
Nature neuroscience 14 (2), 143-146, 2011
Regulation of tension on hair-cell transduction channels: displacement and calcium dependence
N Hacohen, JA Assad, WJ Smith, DP Corey
Journal of Neuroscience 9 (11), 3988-3997, 1989
Neuronal mechanisms of visual categorization: an abstract view on decision making
DJ Freedman, JA Assad
Annual review of neuroscience 39 (1), 129-147, 2016
Putaminal activity for simple reactions or self-timed movements
IH Lee, JA Assad
Journal of neurophysiology 89 (5), 2528-2537, 2003
The effect of microsaccades on the correlation between neural activity and behavior in middle temporal, ventral intraparietal, and lateral intraparietal areas
TM Herrington, NY Masse, KJ Hachmeh, JET Smith, JA Assad, EP Cook
Journal of Neuroscience 29 (18), 5793-5805, 2009
Generalized associative representations in parietal cortex
JK Fitzgerald, DJ Freedman, JA Assad
Nature neuroscience 14 (8), 1075-1079, 2011
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