Mohammad A. Tutunchian
Mohammad A. Tutunchian
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran
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Application of Soft Computing for Prediction of Pavement Condition Index
H Shahnazari, MA Tutunchian, M Mashayekhi, AA Amini
Journal of Transportation Engineering 138 (12), 1495-1506, 2012
Prediction of strain energy-based liquefaction resistance of sand–silt mixtures: an evolutionary approach
MH Baziar, Y Jafarian, H Shahnazari, V Movahed, MA Tutunchian
Computers & Geosciences 37 (11), 1883-1893, 2011
Undrained cyclic and monotonic behavior of Hormuz calcareous sand using hollow cylinder simple shear tests
H Shahnazari, Y Jafarian, MA Tutunchian, R Rezvani
International Journal of Civil Engineering 14, 209-219, 2016
Evolutionary-based approaches for settlement prediction of shallow foundations on cohesionless soils
H Shahnazari, MA Shahin, MA Tutunchian
International Journal of Civil Engineering 12 (1), 55-64, 2014
Experimental study on the phase transformation point of crushable and noncrushable soils
H Shahnazari, R Rezvani, MA Tutunchian
Marine Georesources & Geotechnology 35 (2), 176-185, 2017
Post-cyclic volumetric strain of calcareous sand using hollow cylindrical torsional shear tests
H Shahnazari, R Rezvani, MA Tutunchian
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 124, 162-171, 2019
Probabilistic assessment of liquefaction occurrence in calcareous fill materials of Kawaihae Harbor, Hawaii
H Shahnazari, Y Jafarian, MA Tutunchian, R Rezvani
International Journal of Geomechanics 16 (6), 05016001, 2016
Evolutionary-based approaches for determining the deviatoric stress of calcareous sands
H Shahnazari, MA Tutunchian, R Rezvani, F Valizadeh
Computers & Geosciences 50, 84-94, 2013
Prediction of ultimate bearing capacity of shallow foundations on cohesionless soils: An evolutionary approach
H Shahnazari, MA Tutunchian
KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 16, 950-957, 2012
The effect of particle size distribution on shearing response and particle breakage of two different calcareous soils
R Rezvani, A Nabizadeh, M Amin Tutunchian
The European Physical Journal Plus 136, 1-16, 2021
Methods for estimating the post-cyclic settlement of Hormuz Island calcareous sand: an experimental study
R Rezvani, MA Tutunchian, H Shahnazari
The European Physical Journal Plus 135 (3), 273, 2020
The effects of dissipated energy on mechanical behavior of carbonate sands using monotonic triaxial tests
H Shahnazari, R Rezvani, MA Tutunchian
Japanese Geotechnical Society Special Publication 2 (9), 397-400, 2016
Application of genetic programming for estimation of soil compaction parameters
N Naderi, P Roshani, MZ Samani, MA Tutunchian
Applied Mechanics and Materials 147, 70-74, 2012
Parametric Study on Displacements of Buildings Considering the Dynamic Soil-Structure Interaction Effects
MO Makhmalbaf, M Alitalesh, MZ Samani, MA Tutunchian
Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2011
Horizontal Displacement of Urban Deep Excavated Walls Supported by Multistrands Anchors, Steel Piles, and In Situ Concrete Piles: Case Study
R Rezvani, MA Tutunchian
International Journal of Geomechanics 21 (1), 05020008, 2021
Predicting shear strength of municipal waste material by evolutionary polynomial regression (EPR)
M Keramati, SK Reshad, S Asgarpour, MA Tutunchian
Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering 19, 53-62, 2014
Optimized Fuzzy Logic Controller for Semi-Active Control of Buildings Using Particle Swarm Optimization
M Ostadali Makhmalbaf, M Amin Tutunchian, M Zabihi Samani
Advanced Materials Research 255, 2505-2509, 2011
Pushover Analysis of Short Structures
MO Makhmalbaf, M GhanooniBagha, MA Tutunchian, MZ Samani
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 75, 372-376, 2011
Study on Dynamic Behavior of Shallow Foundations on Liquefiable Sand, Using Video Processing Technique
MA Tutunchian, H Shahnazari, H Salehzadeh, M Asadi
Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering 16, 945-960, 2011
Calibration of resistance factors for reliability-based design of driven steel piles considering separate factors for toe and shaft resistances
P Roshani, JÁ Infante Sedano, MA Tutunchian, R Rezvani
International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering 17 (6), 628-643, 2023
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Articles 1–20