Luis Luis
Luis Luis
Other namesLuis Soares Luis, L F S Luis, Luis S Luis
Professor IPLeiria
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Cited by
Literacia em Saúde e Alimentação Saudável: Os novos produtos e a escolha dos alimentos
L Luís
Lisboa: Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2010
Controlled trial of an mHealth intervention to promote healthy behaviours in adolescence (TeenPower): Effectiveness analysis
P Sousa, R Martinho, CI Reis, SS Dias, PJS Gaspar, MA Dixe, LS Luis, ...
Journal of Advanced Nursing 76 (4), 1057-1068, 2020
An mH ealth intervention programme to promote healthy behaviours and prevent adolescent obesity (TeenPower): a study protocol
P Sousa, E Duarte, R Ferreira, A Esperanca, R Frontini, R Santos‐Rocha, ...
Journal of Advanced Nursing 75 (3), 683-691, 2019
Randomized controlled trial on mouth rinse and flossing efficacy on interproximal gingivitis and dental plaque
HS Luís, LS Luís, M Bernardo, NR Dos Santos
International journal of dental hygiene 16 (2), e73-e78, 2018
Social media use and its association with mental health and internet addiction among portuguese higher education students during COVID-19 confinement
AP Oliveira, JR Nobre, H Luis, LS Luis, LG Pinho, N Albacar-Riobóo, ...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 20 (1), 664, 2022
Tradução e validação para português de um questionário de hábitos, conhecimentos e atitudes de saúde oral dos adolescentes
HPS Luis, VA Assunçao, LFS Luis
Portuguese version of the HLS-EU-Q6 and HLS-EU-Q16 questionnaire: psychometric properties
AR Pedro, B Raposo, L Luís, O Amaral, A Escoval, S Simões Dias
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 20 (4), 2892, 2023
In vitro study of the effect of an essential oil and a delmopinol mouth rinse on dental plaque bacteria
HS Luís, LS Luis, M Bernardo
Indian Journal of Dental Research 27 (6), 648-651, 2016
Oral health habits, attitudes and behaviors of Portuguese adolescents
HP Soares Luís, VA Assunção, LF Soares Luís
International journal of adolescent medicine and health 28 (1), 39-43, 2016
Literacy and mental health of Portuguese higher education students and their use of health promotion strategies during confinement in the COVID-19 pandemic
AP Oliveira, JR Nobre, H Luis, LS Luis, N Albacar-Riobóo, LG Pinho, ...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 (21), 14393, 2022
Association between food choices motivators and physical activity in body image (dis) satisfaction in Portuguese adolescents
SS Dias, M Lages, R Frontini, L Luís, MA Dixe, P Sousa
Frontiers in Public Health 9, 651228, 2021
Xilitol e flúor na prevenção da cárie dentária
LS Luís, NM Osório, S Ribeiro, EM Neves, HS Luís
The Impact of COVID-19 confinement on substance use and mental health in portuguese higher education students
AP Oliveira, H Luis, LS Luís, JR Nobre, LG Pinho, N Albacar-Riobóo, ...
Healthcare 11 (4), 619, 2023
Relationship between oral health literacy and periodontal health
V Assunção, R Dias, H Luis, LF Soares Luis
New food product consumer's behaviour: health literacy and neofobia
LS Luis, H Luis
Literacia em saúde e alimentação
LFS Luís, I Loureiro
Educação para a Saúde no Século XXI:: Teorias, Modelos e Práticas, 194-201, 2008
Assessing the health literacy level of students in higher education: Evolution throughout the training
L Luís, V Assunção, H Melo, H Luis
Revista Portuguesa de Estomatologia, Medicina Dentária e Cirurgia …, 2021
Saliva e saúde oral
NM Osório, HS Luís, S Ribeiro, LS Luís, EIM Neves
Revista Portuguesa de estomatologia, medicina dentária e cirurgia …, 2000
The relationship between eHealth literacy and adolescents’ food choices
P Sousa, R Frontini, L Luis, R Ferreira
European Journal of Public Health 29 (Supplement_1), ckz034. 099, 2019
Relationship between oral health literacy and oral Health behaviors, knowledge and dental status in Portuguese military enlisted adults
V Assunção, R Pires, H Luis, L Luis
Glob. J. Med. Public Health 8, 1-9, 2019
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Articles 1–20