Lara Moreno-Zarate
Lara Moreno-Zarate
Instituto de Investigación en Recursos Cinegéticos (IREC)
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Cited by
Assessing the sustainability of harvest of the European Turtle-dove along the European western flyway
H Lormée, C Barbraud, W Peach, C Carboneras, JD Lebreton, ...
Bird Conservation International 30 (4), 506-521, 2020
Spatial heterogeneity in population change of the globally threatened European turtle dove in Spain: The role of environmental favourability and land use
L Moreno‐Zarate, A Estrada, W Peach, B Arroyo
Diversity and Distributions 26 (7), 818-831, 2020
Measuring the intensity of conflicts in conservation
JJ Cusack, T Bradfer‐Lawrence, Z Baynham‐Herd, S Castelló y Tickell, ...
Conservation Letters 14 (3), e12783, 2021
Effectiveness of hunting regulations for the conservation of a globally-threatened species: The case of the European turtle-dove in Spain
L Moreno-Zarate, B Arroyo, W Peach
Biological Conservation 256, 109067, 2021
The European Turtle Dove in the ecotone between woodland and farmland: multi-scale habitat associations and implications for the design of management interventions
C Carboneras, L Moreno-Zarate, B Arroyo
Journal of Ornithology 163 (2), 339-355, 2022
Differences in wing morphology between juvenile and adult European Turtle Doves Streptopelia turtur: implications for migration and predator escape
X Cabodevilla, L Moreno‐Zarate, B Arroyo
Ibis 160 (2), 458-463, 2018
Estate-level decision-making and socioeconomics determine annual harvest in the European Turtle-dove in central Spain
M Delibes-Mateos, L Moreno-Zarate, W Peach, B Arroyo
Science of the Total Environment 791, 148168, 2021
Age-related variation in wing shape differs between bird orders: implications for interpretation of the pointedness index (C2 axis) in a Size-Constrained Principal Component …
X Cabodevilla, J Pérez-Tris, L Moreno-Zarate, A Pérez-Rodríguez, ...
Ardeola 67 (2), 341-354, 2020
Age ratio, crippling losses and factors affecting daily hunting bags of European Turtle-dove in Spain: Implications for sustainable harvest management of a declining migratory …
L Moreno-Zarate, B Arroyo, F Sardà-Palomera, G Rocha, G Bota, ...
Science of the Total Environment 868, 161192, 2023
Reproductive success of European Turtle Doves (Streptopelia turtur) in Spain: Relationships with nest site characteristics
B Arroyo, L Moreno-Zarate, F Sardà-Palomera, G Bota, ...
Unravelling discourses about the management of a migratory declining game species: the case of European Turtle-dove (Streptopelia turtur)
L Moreno-Zarate, B Arroyo, Z Morales-Reyes, M Delibes-Mateos
Ecosystems and People 20 (1), 2391461, 2024
The status and hunting of European Turtle-dove (Streptopelia turtur) in Spain
L Moreno-Zarate
CSIC-UCLM-Instituto de Investigación en Recursos Cinegéticos (IREC), 2021
Relationships between Land-Use Changes and Population Declines of the European Turtle Dove Streptopelia turtur in Spain and France
A Estrada, L Moreno-Zarate, M Delibes-Mateos, B Arroyo
Ardeola 71 (2), 337-357, 2024
Temporal Patterns of Cooing Activity of the European Turtle-Dove Streptopelia turtur: Optimising Monitoring Schemes Based on Abundance Indices
B Arroyo, L Moreno-Zarate, M Fernández-Tizón, F Sardà-Palomera, ...
Ardeola 70 (2), 151-168, 2023
Potential effects of avian predators on the behaviour of the Little Bustard Tetrax tetrax during the display season in a cereal pseudo-steppe
S Mañosa, M Julià, F Oliva, R Guillem, L Moreno-Zárate, D Giralt, G Bota
Revista Catalana d’Ornitologia 39, 10-20, 2023
Discursos de los cazadores sobre la gestión de una especie migratoria en declive: la tórtola europea
Z Morales-Reyes, L Moreno-Zarate, B Arroyo, J Lorente-Rejano, ...
Fecundity of multi-brooded European turtledoves (Streptopelia turtur) in Spain: implications for population viability conservation management
B Arroyo, F Mougeot, M Delibes-Mateos, M Fernández-Tizón, ...
Hunters' discourses about management of migratory declining species
L Moreno-Zarate, B Arroyo, M Delibes-Mateos, Z Morales-Reyes, ...
Improving hunting regulations for the conservation of the European Turtle Dove in Spain.
L Moreno Zarate, M Delibes-Mateos, W Peach, B Arroyo
Using media content analysis to assess the European turtle dove management conflict in Spain
M Delibes-Mateos, L Moreno-Zarate, Y Del Olmo, B Arroyo
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Articles 1–20