Md Saniul Alam
Md Saniul Alam
Built Environment & Civil Engineering, University of Brighton
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A critical review and assessment of Eco-Driving policy & technology: Benefits & limitations
MS Alam, A McNabola
Transport Policy 35, 42-49, 2014
Analysing the Co-Benefits of Transport Fleet and Fuel Policies in Reducing PM2.5 and CO2 Emissions
MS Alam, P Duffy, B Hyde, A McNabola
Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017
Assessment of pathways to reduce CO2 emissions from passenger car fleets: case study in Ireland. Applied Energy
MS Alam, PMNA Hyde, B. Duffy
Applied Energy, 2017
Exploring the modeling of spatiotemporal variations in ambient air pollution within the land use regression framework: Estimation of PM10 concentrations on a daily basis
MS Alam, A McNabola
Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 65 (5), 628-640, 2015
Assessing the impact of vehicle speed limits and fleet composition on air quality near a school
J Tang, A McNabola, B Misstear, F Pilla, MS Alam
International journal of environmental research and public health 16 (1), 149, 2019
National Inventory Report 2015
P Duffy, E Hanley, K Black, P O’Brien, B Hyde, P J., MS Alam …, 2015
Downscaling national road transport emission to street level: A case study in Dublin, Ireland
MS Alam, P Duffy, B Hyde, A McNabola
Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018
Improvement in the estimation and back-extrapolation of CO2 emissions from the Irish road transport sector using a bottom-up data modelling approach
MS Alam, P Duffy, B Hyde, A McNabola
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2017
A comparison of route-choice navigation across air pollution exposure, CO2 emission and traditional travel cost factors
MS Alam, H Perugu, A McNabola
Transportation Research Part D Transport and Environment, 2018
Augmenting limited background monitoring data for improved performance in land use regression modeling: using support vector regression and mobile monitoring.
B Basu, MS Alam, B Gosh, L Gill, A McNabola
Atmospheric Environment, 2019
Modelling personal exposure to particulate air pollution: An assessment of time-integrated activity modelling, Monte Carlo simulation & artificial neural network approaches
A McCreddin, MS Alam, A McNabola
International journal of hygiene and environmental health 218 (1), 107-116, 2015
The Network-wide Traffic and Environmental Impacts of Acceleration and Deceleration among Eco-Driving Vehicles in Different Road Configurations
MS Alam, A McNabola
Transportation Planning and Technology 41 (3), 2018
The State of the Art of Cooperative and Connected Autonomous Vehicles from the Future Mobility Management Perspective: A Systematic Review
MS Alam, P Georgakis
Future Transportation 2, 589--604, 2022
Modelling of intra-urban variability of prevailing ambient noise at different temporal resolution
A M.S., L Corcoran, EA King, A McNabola, F Pilla
Noise Mapping 4 (1), 20, 2017
Greenhouse gas emissions 1990–2016 reported to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
P Duffy, K Black, B Hyde, AM Ryan, J Ponzi, S Alam
Environmental Protection Agency, 2018
Factors in deciding Metro Rail in Developing Countries: A study on the proposed Metro Rail system for Dhaka
MS Alam
Journal of Bangladesh Institute of Planners ISSN 2075, 9363, 2010
Estimation And Back Extrapolation Of CO2 Emissions From The Road Transport Sector: Emissions In Ireland, 1990 To 2013
MS Alam, P Duffy, B Hyde, A McNabola
WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment 198, 63-75, 2015
Ireland's National Inventory Report 2015. Greenhouse Gas Emissions 1990–2013 Reported to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
P Duffy, E Hanley, K Black, P O’Brien, B Hyde, J Ponzi, S Alam
Environmental Protection Agency, PO Box 3000, 2015
Ireland Informative Inventory Report 2015
P Duffy, E Hanley, S Barry, B Hyde, MS Alam
Air pollutant emissions in Ireland 2013, 2015
Ireland's National Inventory Report 2017. Greenhouse Gas Emissions 1990–2015. Reported to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
P Duffy, E Hanley, K Black, P O'Brien, B Hyde, J Ponzi, S Alam
Environmental Protection Agency, Johnstown Castle Estate, Co. Wexford, Ireland, 2017
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Articles 1–20