Aulia Fuad Rahman
Aulia Fuad Rahman
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pengaruh pembiayaan jual beli, pembiayaan bagi hasil, dan rasio Non Performing Financing terhadap profitabilitas bank umum syariah di indonesia
AF Rahman, R Rochmanika
Iqtishoduna, 2012
Determinants of capital adequacy ratio (CAR) in Indonesian Islamic commercial banks
MT Abusharba, I Triyuwono, M Ismail, AF Rahman
Global review of accounting and finance 4 (1), 159-170, 2013
Bleaching and necrosis of staghorn coral (Acropora formosa) in laboratory assays: immediate impact of LDPE microplastics
AD Syakti, JV Jaya, A Rahman, NV Hidayati, TS Raza'i, F Idris, ...
Chemosphere 228, 528-535, 2019
Issues of morality and whistleblowing in short prevention accounting
KAK Saputra, B Subroto, AF Rahman, E Saraswati
International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change 12 (3), 77-88, 2020
The effect of free cash flow agency problem on the value relevance of earnings and book value
A Fuad Rahman, N Mohd‐Saleh
Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting 6 (1), 75-90, 2008
Pengaruh Kepemilikan Institusional Terhadap Nilai Perusahaan Dengan Keputusan Investasi, Keputusan Pendanaan Dan Kebijakan Dividen Sebagai Variabel Moderasi
TS Wardhani, G Chandrarin, AF Rahman
Assets: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Akuntansi, Keuangan dan Pajak 1 (2), 93-110, 2017
Financial management information system, human resource competency and financial statement accountability: a case study in Indonesia
The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business 8 (5), 277-285, 2021
Do firm characteristics, political connection and corporate governance mechanism affect financial distress?(Evidence from Indonesia)
YW Nugrahanti, T Sutrisno, AF Rahman, E Mardiati
International Journal of Trade and Global Markets 13 (2), 220-250, 2020
The effect of audit competence, independence, and professional skeptism on audit quality with auditor’s ethics as moderation variables
A Puspitasari, Z Baridwan, AF Rahman
International Journal of Business, Economics and Law 18 (5), 135-144, 2019
Eco-efficiency and energy audit to improve environmental performance: An empirical study of hotels in Bali-Indonesia
KAK Saputra, B Subroto, AF Rahman, E Saraswati
International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy 12 (6), 175-182, 2022
Mediation role of environmental management accounting on the effect of green competitive advantage on sustainable performance
KAK Saputra, B Subroto, AF Rahman, E Saraswati
Journal of Sustainability Science and Management 18 (2), 103-115, 2023
Determinants of tax attitude in small and medium enterprises: Evidence from Indonesia
RR Agusti, AF Rahman
Cogent Business & Management 10 (1), 2160585, 2023
Corporate governance, profitability, media exposure, and firm value: the mediation role of environmental disclosure
F Kurniansyah, E Saraswati, AF Rahman
Jurnal Minds: Manajemen Ide Dan Inspirasi 8 (1), 69-88, 2021
Masalah keagenan aliran kas bebas, manajemen laba dan relevansi nilai informasi akuntansi
AF Rahman
EKUITAS (Jurnal Ekonomi dan Keuangan) 15 (2), 232-246, 2011
The effect of knowledge and experience on professional auditor’s judgment: Study on state auditor in Indonesia
M Sila, B Subroto, Z Baridwan, AF Rahman
International Journal of Management and Administrative Sciences (IJMAS) 3 …, 2016
Materiality, stakeholder engagement disclosure, and corporate governance: Critical elements for the quality of sustainability reporting
AA Dewi, E Saraswati, AF Rahman, S Atmini
Cogent Business & Management 10 (1), 2175437, 2023
Overviews of contracting theory & agency theory: determinants public accounting firms switching on voluntary
R Safriliana, B Subroto, I Subekti, AF Rahman
The International Journal of Organizational Innovation 11 (3), 10-21, 2019
Rancang bangun sistem pengatur pengisian air galon otomatis berbasis mikrokontroler ATmega328P
A Anggara, A Rahman, A Mufti
Jurnal Komputer, Informasi Teknologi, Dan Elektro 3 (2), 2018
Relevansi Nilai Laba dan Nilai Buku: Peran Pengungkapan Corporate Social Responsibility dan Dewan Komisaris Independen
RR Agusti, AF Rahman
Simposium Nasional Akuntansi XIV Aceh, 2011
The Moderating Role Of Intellectual Capital On The Relationship Between Non Profit Sharing Financing, Profit Sharing Financing And Credit Risk To Financial Performance Of …
BA Nurmawati, AF Rahman, ZZ Baridwan
Jurnal Reviu Akuntansi dan Keuangan 10 (1), 38-52, 2020
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