Sukit Limpijumnong
Sukit Limpijumnong
Institute for the Promotion of teaching Science and Technology
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Cited by
Doping by Large-Size-Mismatched Impurities: The Microscopic Origin of Arsenic- <?format ?>or Antimony-Doped -Type Zinc Oxide
S Limpijumnong, SB Zhang, SH Wei, CH Park
Physical review letters 92 (15), 155504, 2004
Evidence for Native-Defect Donors in -Type ZnO
DC Look, GC Farlow, P Reunchan, S Limpijumnong, SB Zhang, ...
Physical review letters 95 (22), 225502, 2005
First-principles study of native defects in anatase
S Na-Phattalung, MF Smith, K Kim, MH Du, SH Wei, SB Zhang, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 73 (12), 125205, 2006
Diffusivity of native defects in GaN
S Limpijumnong, CG Van de Walle
Physical Review B 69 (3), 035207, 2004
Valence-band ordering and magneto-optic exciton fine structure in ZnO
WRL Lambrecht, AV Rodina, S Limpijumnong, B Segall, BK Meyer
Physical Review B 65 (7), 075207, 2002
High field electron transport properties of bulk ZnO
JD Albrecht, PP Ruden, S Limpijumnong, WRL Lambrecht, KF Brennan
Journal of Applied Physics 86 (12), 6864-6867, 1999
Electronic band structure of SiC polytypes: a discussion of theory and experiment
WRL Lambrecht, S Limpijumnong, SN Rashkeev, B Segall
physica status solidi (b) 202 (1), 5-33, 1997
Hydrogen doping in indium oxide: An ab initio study
S Limpijumnong, P Reunchan, A Janotti, CG Van de Walle
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 80 (19), 193202, 2009
Theoretical study of the relative stability of wurtzite and rocksalt phases in MgO and GaN
S Limpijumnong, WRL Lambrecht
Physical Review B 63 (10), 104103, 2001
Novel phase transformation in ZnO nanowires under tensile loading
AJ Kulkarni, M Zhou, K Sarasamak, S Limpijumnong
Physical Review Letters 97 (10), 105502, 2006
Stacking fault band structure in 4H–SiC and its impact on electronic devices
MS Miao, S Limpijumnong, WRL Lambrecht
Applied Physics Letters 79 (26), 4360-4362, 2001
Hydrogen passivation effect in nitrogen-doped ZnO thin films
X Li, B Keyes, S Asher, SB Zhang, SH Wei, TJ Coutts, S Limpijumnong, ...
Applied Physics Letters 86 (12), 2005
JUNO physics and detector
A Abusleme, T Adam, S Ahmad, R Ahmed, S Aiello, M Akram, F An, G An, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.02565, 2021
Formation of oxygen vacancies and charge carriers induced in the -type interface of a LaAlO overlayer on SrTiO(001)
Y Li, SN Phattalung, S Limpijumnong, J Kim, J Yu
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (24), 245307, 2011
First-principles studies of beryllium doping of GaN
CG Van de Walle, S Limpijumnong, J Neugebauer
Physical Review B 63 (24), 245205, 2001
Substitutional diatomic molecules NO, NC, CO, N2, and O2: Their vibrational frequencies and effects on p doping of ZnO
S Limpijumnong, X Li, SH Wei, SB Zhang
Applied Physics Letters 86 (21), 2005
Homogeneous strain deformation path for the wurtzite to rocksalt high-pressure phase transition in GaN
S Limpijumnong, WRL Lambrecht
Physical review letters 86 (1), 91, 2001
First-principles study of the wurtzite-to-rocksalt homogeneous transformation in : A case of a low-transformation barrier
S Limpijumnong, S Jungthawan
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 70 (5), 054104, 2004
Identification of acceptor states in Li-doped p-type ZnO thin films
YJ Zeng, ZZ Ye, JG Lu, WZ Xu, LP Zhu, BH Zhao, S Limpijumnong
Applied Physics Letters 89 (4), 2006
Total energy differences between SiC polytypes revisited
S Limpijumnong, WRL Lambrecht
Physical Review B 57 (19), 12017, 1998
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Articles 1–20