Roberto Naldi
Cited by
Cited by
Robust full degree-of-freedom tracking control of a helicopter
L Marconi, R Naldi
Automatica 43 (11), 1909-1920, 2007
Developing an aerial manipulator prototype: Physical interaction with the environment
M Fumagalli, R Naldi, A Macchelli, F Forte, AQL Keemink, S Stramigioli, ...
IEEE robotics & automation magazine 21 (3), 41-50, 2014
Modeling and control of a flying robot for contact inspection
M Fumagalli, R Naldi, A Macchelli, R Carloni, S Stramigioli, L Marconi
2012 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2012
Robust global trajectory tracking for underactuated VTOL aerial vehicles using inner-outer loop control paradigms
R Naldi, M Furci, RG Sanfelice, L Marconi
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 62 (1), 97-112, 2016
Modelling and control of a flying robot interacting with the environment
L Marconi, R Naldi, L Gentili
Automatica 47 (12), 2571-2583, 2011
Design and experimental validation of a nonlinear control law for a ducted-fan miniature aerial vehicle
R Naldi, L Gentili, L Marconi, A Sala
Control Engineering Practice 18 (7), 747-760, 2010
Impedance control of an aerial manipulator
F Forte, R Naldi, A Macchelli, L Marconi
2012 American Control Conference (ACC), 3839-3844, 2012
Aerodynamics of rotor blades for quadrotors
M Bangura, M Melega, R Naldi, R Mahony
arXiv preprint arXiv:1601.00733, 2016
Taut cable control of a tethered UAV
MM Nicotra, R Naldi, E Garone
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 47 (3), 3190-3195, 2014
Nested saturation control of an UAV carrying a suspended load
MM Nicotra, E Garone, R Naldi, L Marconi
2014 American control conference, 3585-3590, 2014
Optimal transition maneuvers for a class of V/STOL aircraft
R Naldi, L Marconi
Automatica 47 (5), 870-879, 2011
Control of aerial robots: Hybrid force and position feedback for a ducted fan
L Marconi, R Naldi
IEEE Control Systems Magazine 32 (4), 43-65, 2012
Robust landing and sliding maneuver hybrid controller for a quadrotor vehicle
D Cabecinhas, R Naldi, C Silvestre, R Cunha, L Marconi
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 24 (2), 400-412, 2015
Nonlinear control of a tethered UAV: The taut cable case
MM Nicotra, R Naldi, E Garone
Automatica 78, 174-184, 2017
Passivity-based control for hybrid systems with applications to mechanical systems exhibiting impacts
R Naldi, RG Sanfelice
Automatica 49 (5), 1104-1116, 2013
Aerial service robotics: The AIRobots perspective
L Marconi, F Basile, G Caprari, R Carloni, P Chiacchio, C Hurzeler, ...
2012 2nd International Conference on Applied Robotics for the Power Industry …, 2012
Robust take-off for a quadrotor vehicle
D Cabecinhas, R Naldi, L Marconi, C Silvestre, R Cunha
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 28 (3), 734-742, 2012
Aggressive control of helicopters in presence of parametric and dynamical uncertainties
L Marconi, R Naldi
Mechatronics 18 (7), 381-389, 2008
Generalized traveling salesman problem for carrier-vehicle systems
E Garone, JF Determe, R Naldi
Journal of guidance, control, and dynamics 37 (3), 766-774, 2014
Modeling and control of a class of modular aerial robots combining under actuated and fully actuated behavior
R Naldi, F Forte, A Serrani, L Marconi
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 23 (5), 1869-1885, 2015
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Articles 1–20