Don Cowan
Don Cowan
Disitnguished Professor Emeritus, University of Waterloo
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Cited by
Towards analyzing and synthesizing protocols
P Zafiropulo, C West, H Rudin, D Cowan, D Brand
IEEE Transactions on Communications 28 (4), 651-661, 1980
Note on a “square” functional equation
RG Stanton, DD Cowan
Siam review 12 (2), 277-279, 1970
ReuseTool—An extensible tool support for object-oriented framework reuse
TC Oliveira, P Alencar, D Cowan
Journal of Systems and Software 84 (12), 2234-2252, 2011
Software process representation and analysis for framework instantiation
TC Oliveira, CJP de Lucena, PSC Alencar, DD Cowan
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 30 (3), 145-159, 2004
Valira—a tool for protocol validation via reachability analysis
ST Vuong, DD Hui, DD Cowan
Proc. 6th int. symp. on protocol specification, testing and verification, 1986
The petrochemistry of the amphibolites of the Holleindalen greenstone group, Jotunheimen, Norway
RB Elliott, DR Cowan
Norsk geol. tidsskr 46 (3), 309-326, 1966
A decomposition method for the validation of structured protocols
ST Vuong, DD Cowan
Proc. IEEE INFOCOM 82, 209-219, 1982
A catalogue of agile smells for agility assessment
U Telemaco, T Oliveira, P Alencar, D Cowan
IEEE Access 8, 79239-79259, 2020
A service-oriented monitoring registry
B Kalali, P Alencar, D Cowan
Proceedings of the 2003 conference of the Centre for Advanced Studies on …, 2003
Pair-coverings with restricted largest block length
RG Stanton, JL Allston, DD Cowan
Ars Combinatoria 11, 85-98, 1981
Lightweight query-based analysis of workflow process dependencies
W Dai, D Covvey, P Alencar, D Cowan
Journal of Systems and Software 82 (6), 915-931, 2009
Protocol analysis and synthesis using a state transition model
P Zafiropulo, CH West, H Rudin, DD Cowan, D Brand
Computer Network Architectures and Protocols, 645-669, 1982
Examining the potential use of the collaborative-geomatics informatics tool to foster intergenerational transfer of knowledge in a remote first nation community
A Isogai, DD McCarthy, HL Gardner, JD Karagatzides, S Vandenberg, ...
The Australian Journal of Indigenous Education 42 (1), 44-57, 2013
A framework for software architecture verification
K Lichtner, P Alencar, D Cowan
Proceedings 2000 Australian Software Engineering Conference, 149-157, 2000
Towards a declarative approach to framework instantiation
TC Oliveira, P Alencar, D Cowan
Declarative Meta Programming to Support Software Development, 5, 2002
Exploring context-aware conversational agents in software development
G Melo, E Law, P Alencar, D Cowan
arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.02370, 2020
Authoring and generation of tailored preoperative patient education materials
C DiMarco, P Bray, D Covvey, D Cowan, V DiCiccio, E Hovy, J Lipa, ...
Workshop on personalisation in e-health, user modelling conference …, 2005
Natural language-based representation of user preferences
I Nunes, SDJ Barbosa, D Cowan, S Miles, M Luck, CJP de Lucena
Interacting with Computers 27 (2), 133-158, 2015
Using Viewpoints to Derive a Conceptual Model for Web-Based Education Environments
P Alencar, D Cowan, S Crespo, MF Fontoura, CJ Lucena
MCC17/98, Monografias em Ciência da Computação, Departamento de Informática …, 1998
Tripartite path numbers
RG Stanton, LO James, DD Cowan
Graph theory and computing, 285-294, 1972
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Articles 1–20