Georgia Zara
Georgia Zara
Department of Psychology, University of Turin (Italy); Institute of Criminology, University of
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Childhood and adolescent predictors of late onset criminal careers
G Zara, DP Farrington
Journal of youth and adolescence 38, 287-300, 2009
Criminal recidivism: Explanation, prediction and prevention
G Zara, D Farrington
Willan, 2015
Intimate partner violence and its escalation into femicide. Frailty thy name is “Violence Against Women”
G Zara, S Gino
Frontiers in psychology 9, 1777, 2018
A longitudinal analysis of early risk factors for adult‐onset offending: What predicts a delayed criminal career?
G Zara, DP Farrington
Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health 20 (4), 257-273, 2010
The medicolegal, psycho-criminological, and epidemiological reality of intimate partner and non-intimate partner femicide in North-West Italy: looking backwards to see forwards
G Zara, F Freilone, S Veggi, E Biondi, D Ceccarelli, S Gino
International Journal of Legal Medicine 133, 1295-1307, 2019
Assessment of risk for juvenile compared with adult criminal onset implications for policy, prevention, and intervention.
G Zara, DP Farrington
Psychology, Public Policy, and Law 19 (2), 235, 2013
Le carriere criminali
G Zara
Giuffrè 42, 1-700, 2005
Childhood risk factors for self-reported versus official life-course-persistent, adolescence-limited, and late-onset offending
G Zara, DP Farrington
Criminal Justice and Behavior 47 (3), 352-368, 2020
Posttraumatic growth and posttraumatic depreciation: associations with core beliefs and rumination
A Romeo, L Castelli, G Zara, M Di Tella
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 (23), 15938, 2022
Violence against prostitutes and non-prostitutes: an analysis of frequency, variety and severity
G Zara, D Theobald, S Veggi, F Freilone, E Biondi, G Mattutino, S Gino
Journal of interpersonal violence 37 (15-16), NP13398-NP13424, 2022
Psychological assessment
G Zara, F Freilone
The SAGE Encyclopedia of Surveillance, Security, and Privacy, 830-832, 2018
La psicologia criminale minorile
G Zara
Carocci, 2006
Chronic offenders and the syndrome of antisociality: Offending is only a minor feature!
G Zara, DP Farrington
Irish Probation Journal 13, 40-64, 2016
Sex robot: l'amore al tempo delle macchine
M Balistreri, G Zara
Fandango, 2018
Il diniego sei sex offenders: dalla valutazione al trattamento.
G Zara
Raffaello Cortina, 2018
The post-traumatic stress disorder checklist for DSM-5: psychometric properties of the Italian version
M Di Tella, A Romeo, G Zara, L Castelli, M Settanni
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 (9), 5282, 2022
Sexbots as synthetic companions: Comparing attitudes of official sex offenders and non-offenders
G Zara, S Veggi, DP Farrington
International Journal of Social Robotics 14 (2), 479-498, 2022
The long psychological shadow of COVID-19 upon healthcare workers: A global concern for action
G Zara, M Settanni, M Zuffranieri, S Veggi, L Castelli
Journal of Affective Disorders 294, 220-226, 2021
Denial in sex offending treatment: Examining criminal career diversity
G Zara, DP Farrington, S Jung
Journal of forensic psychology research and practice 20 (5), 451-473, 2020
Valutare il rischio in ambito criminologico. Procedure e strumenti per l’assessment psicologico
G Zara
Il Mulino, 2016
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Articles 1–20