Lorena Moreno
Lorena Moreno
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Cited by
Paralinguistic features communicated through voice can affect appraisals of confidence and evaluative judgments
JJ Guyer, P Briñol, TI Vaughan-Johnston, LR Fabrigar, L Moreno, ...
Journal of nonverbal behavior 45, 479-504, 2021
Changing attitudes and intentions related to doping: An analysis of individual differences in need for cognition
J Horcajo, D Santos, JJ Guyer, L Moreno
Journal of sports sciences 37 (24), 2835-2843, 2019
Metacognitive confidence can increase but also decrease performance in academic settings
L Moreno, P Briñol, RE Petty
Metacognition and Learning 17 (1), 139-165, 2022
Attitudes and attitude certainty guiding pro‐social behaviour as a function of perceived elaboration
L Moreno, B Requero, D Santos, B Paredes, P Briñol, RE Petty
European Journal of Social Psychology 51 (6), 990-1006, 2021
The role of meta-cognitive certainty on pornography consumption
B Paredes, L Martínez, U Cuesta, P Briñol, R Petty, L Moreno
Psicothema 33 (3), 442, 2021
Promoting healthy eating by enhancing the correspondence between attitudes and behavioral intentions
B Requero, B Paredes, B Gandarillas, L Moreno
Psicothema 32 (1), 60-66, 2020
Are positive interventions always beneficial?
P Briñol, RE Petty, B Gandarillas, L Moreno
The Spanish Journal of Psychology 23, e23, 2020
Strengthening the link between vaccine predispositions and vaccine advocacy through certainty
B Paredes, MAM Cárdaba, L Moreno, N Cano, P Briñol, U Cuesta, ...
Vaccines 10 (11), 1970, 2022
Certainty in holistic thinking and responses to contradiction: Dialectical proverbs, counter‐attitudinal change and ambivalence
D Santos, B Requero, L Moreno, P Briñol, R Petty
British Journal of Social Psychology 64 (1), e12782, 2025
The effects of perceived COVID‐19 threat on compensatory conviction, thought reliance, and attitudes
L Moreno, B Paredes, J Horcajo, P Briñol, M See, KG DeMarree, RE Petty
European Journal of Social Psychology 53 (6), 1309-1325, 2023
Pitch as a recipient, channel, and context factor affecting thought reliance and persuasion
JJ Guyer, P Briñol, TI Vaughan-Johnston, LR Fabrigar, L Moreno, ...
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 01461672231197547, 2023
Scientific identity and STEMM-relevant outcomes: Elaboration moderates use of identity-certainty
L Moreno, P Briñol, B Paredes, RE Petty
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 115, 104663, 2024
Power corrupts and being sure of felt power corrupts even more: Implications for immoral decisions and cheating
I Toader, L Moreno, P Briñol, RE Petty
European Journal of Social Psychology, 2024
Self-Validation Theory: Confidence can Increase but also Decrease Performance in Applied Settings
P Briñol, RE Petty, L Moreno, B Gandarillas
The Spanish Journal of Psychology 26, e5, 2023
Pensamiento y lenguaje
L Moreno, B Gandarillas, D Santos, B Requero, M Gascó, P Briñol, ...
Psicología médica, 141-158, 2020
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Articles 1–15