Yves Laprie
Yves Laprie
Senior researcher, LORIA
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Reconnaissance automatique de la parole: Du Signal à son Interprétation
JP Haton, C Cerisara, D Fohr, Y Laprie, K Smaïli
Dunod, 2006
Modeling the articulatory space using a hypercube codebook for acoustic-to-articulatory inversion
S Ouni, Y Laprie
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 118 (1), 444-460, 2005
Performance analysis of several pitch detection algorithms on simulated and real noisy speech data
D Jouvet, Y Laprie
2017 25th european signal processing conference (eusipco), 1614-1618, 2017
Perception of the place of articulation of French stop bursts
A Bonneau, L Djezzar, Y Laprie
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 100 (1), 555-564, 1996
A variational approach for estimating vocal tract shapes from the speech signal
Y Laprie, B Mathieu
Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech …, 1998
Extension of the single-matrix formulation of the vocal tract: Consideration of bilateral channels and connection of self-oscillating models of the vocal folds with a glottal chink
B Elie, Y Laprie
Speech Communication 82, 85-96, 2016
Automatic pitch marking for speech transformations via TD-PSOLA
Y Laprie, V Colotte
9th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 1998), 1-4, 1998
Articulatory copy synthesis from cine X-ray films
Y Laprie, M Loosvelt, S Maeda, R Sock, F Hirsch
InterSpeech-14th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication …, 2013
Efficient likelihood evaluation and dynamic Gaussian selection for HMM-based speech recognition
J Cai, G Bouselmi, Y Laprie, JP Haton
Computer Speech & Language 23 (2), 147-164, 2009
Estimating the control parameters of an articulatory model from electromagnetic articulograph data
A Toutios, S Ouni, Y Laprie
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 129 (5), 3245-3257, 2011
Multimodal dataset of real-time 2D and static 3D MRI of healthy French speakers
K Isaieva, Y Laprie, J Leclère, IK Douros, J Felblinger, PA Vuissoz
Scientific Data 8 (1), 258, 2021
The IFCASL corpus of French and German non-native and native read speech
J Trouvain, A Bonneau, V Colotte, C Fauth, D Fohr, D Jouvet, J Jügler, ...
LREC'2016, 10th edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, 2016
A low-cost stereovision based system for acquisition of visible articulatory data
B Wrobel-Dautcourt, MO Berger, B Potard, Y Laprie, S Ouni
5th Conference on Auditory-Visual Speech Processing-AVSP'2005, 2005
An X-ray database, tools and procedures for the study of speech production
R Sock, F Hirsch, Y Laprie, P Perrier, B Vaxelaire, G Brock, F Bouarourou, ...
ISSP 2011-9th International Seminar on Speech Production, 41-48, 2011
Incorporation of phonetic constraints in acoustic-to-articulatory inversion
B Potard, Y Laprie, S Ouni
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 123 (4), 2310-2323, 2008
Extraction of tongue contours in x-ray images with minimal user interaction
Y Laprie, MO Berger
Proceeding of Fourth International Conference on Spoken Language Processing …, 1996
Designing a bilingual speech corpus for French and German language learners: a two-step process
C Fauth, A Bonneau, F Zimmerer, J Trouvain, B Andreeva, V Colotte, ...
LREC-9th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, 2014
Coupling electromagnetic sensors and ultrasound images for tongue tracking: acquisition setup and preliminary results
M Aron, E Kerrien, MO Berger, Y Laprie
7th International Seminar on Speech Production-ISSP'06, 2006
Snorri, a software for speech sciences
Y Laprie
MATISSE-ESCA/SOCRATES Workshop on Method and Tool Innovations for Speech …, 1999
Construction and evaluation of an articulatory model of the vocal tract
Y Laprie, J Busset
2011 19th European Signal Processing Conference, 466-470, 2011
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Articles 1–20