Marina Kukla
Marina Kukla
Richard L. Roudebush VA Medical Center; Indiana University Indianapolis
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Social cognition and metacognition in schizophrenia: evidence of their independence and linkage with outcomes
PH Lysaker, A Gumley, B Luedtke, KD Buck, JM Ringer, K Olesek, ...
Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 127 (3), 239-247, 2013
Poor insight into schizophrenia: contributing factors, consequences and emerging treatment approaches
PH Lysaker, J Vohs, JD Hillis, M Kukla, R Popolo, G Salvatore, ...
Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics 13 (7), 785-793, 2013
Illness management and recovery: a review of the literature
AB McGuire, M Kukla, A Green, D Gilbride, KT Mueser, MP Salyers
Psychiatric Services 65 (2), 171-179, 2014
Mixed methods study examining work reintegration experiences from perspectives of Veterans with mental health disorders
M Kukla, NA Rattray, MP Salyers
Factors influencing patients’ preferences and perceived involvement in shared decision-making in mental health care
J Eliacin, MP Salyers, M Kukla, MS Matthias
Journal of Mental Health 24 (1), 24-28, 2015
Depression and insight in schizophrenia: comparisons of levels of deficits in social cognition and metacognition and internalized stigma across three profiles
PH Lysaker, J Vohs, I Hasson-Ohayon, M Kukla, J Wierwille, G Dimaggio
Schizophrenia research 148 (1-3), 18-23, 2013
Do persons with schizophrenia who have better metacognitive capacity also have a stronger subjective experience of recovery?
M Kukla, PH Lysaker, MP Salyers
Psychiatry Research 209 (3), 381-385, 2013
Metacognitive deficits in schizophrenia: presence and associations with psychosocial outcomes
PH Lysaker, J Vohs, KS Minor, L Irarrázaval, B Leonhardt, JA Hamm, ...
The Journal of nervous and mental disease 203 (7), 530-536, 2015
A prospective investigation of work and nonvocational outcomes in adults with severe mental illness
M Kukla, GR Bond, H Xie
The Journal of nervous and mental disease 200 (3), 214-222, 2012
Individual psychotherapy and changes in self-experience in schizophrenia: a qualitative comparison of patients in metacognitively focused and supportive psychotherapy
PH Lysaker, M Kukla, E Belanger, DA White, KD Buck, L Luther, RL Firmin, ...
Psychiatry 78 (4), 305-316, 2015
Deficits in metacognitive capacity distinguish patients with schizophrenia from those with prolonged medical adversity
PH Lysaker, J Vohs, JA Hamm, M Kukla, KS Minor, S de Jong, ...
Journal of Psychiatric Research 55, 126-132, 2014
Levels of patient activation among adults with schizophrenia: associations with hope, symptoms, medication adherence, and recovery attitudes
M Kukla, MP Salyers, PH Lysaker
The Journal of nervous and mental disease 201 (4), 339-344, 2013
Deficits in metacognitive capacity are related to subjective distress and heightened levels of hyperarousal symptoms in adults with posttraumatic stress disorder
PH Lysaker, G Dimaggio, A Wickett-Curtis, M Kukla, B Luedtke, J Vohs, ...
Journal of Trauma & Dissociation 16 (4), 384-398, 2015
Patients’ understanding of shared decision making in a mental health setting
J Eliacin, MP Salyers, M Kukla, MS Matthias
Qualitative health research 25 (5), 668-678, 2015
Lexical analysis in schizophrenia: how emotion and social word use informs our understanding of clinical presentation
KS Minor, KA Bonfils, L Luther, RL Firmin, M Kukla, VR MacLain, B Buck, ...
Journal of psychiatric research 64, 74-78, 2015
Individual psychotherapy for schizophrenia: trends and developments in the wake of the recovery movement
JA Hamm, I Hasson-Ohayon, M Kukla, PH Lysaker
Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 45-54, 2013
Strong subjective recovery as a protective factor against the effects of positive symptoms on quality of life outcomes in schizophrenia
M Kukla, PH Lysaker, D Roe
Comprehensive Psychiatry 55 (6), 1363-1368, 2014
Metacognition moderates the relationship of disturbances in attachment with severity of borderline personality disorder among persons in treatment of substance use disorders
J Outcalt, G Dimaggio, R Popolo, K Buck, KA Chaudoin-Patzoldt, M Kukla, ...
Comprehensive psychiatry 64, 22-28, 2016
Metacognition and recovery in schizophrenia: From research to the development of metacognitive reflection and insight therapy
PH Lysaker, M Kukla, JL Vohs, AM Schnakenberg Martin, KD Buck, ...
Journal of Experimental Psychopathology 10 (1), 2043808718814992, 2019
Metacognitive deficits predict impaired insight in schizophrenia across symptom profiles: a latent class analysis
PH Lysaker, E Gagen, A Wright, JL Vohs, M Kukla, PT Yanos, ...
Schizophrenia bulletin 45 (1), 48-56, 2019
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Articles 1–20