Anubhab Roy
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Cited by
An adaptation of adomian decomposition for numeric–analytic integration of strongly nonlinear and chaotic oscillators
S Ghosh, A Roy, D Roy
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 196 (4-6), 1133-1153, 2007
Emergence of upstream swimming via a hydrodynamic transition
C Tung, F Ardon, A Roy, DL Koch, SS Suarez, M Wu
Physical review letters 114 (10), 108102, 2015
Inertial torques and a symmetry breaking orientational transition in the sedimentation of slender fibres
A Roy, RJ Hamati, L Tierney, DL Koch, GA Voth
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 875, 576-596, 2019
Dynamics of vorticity defects in stratified shear flow
NJ Balmforth, A Roy, CP Caulfield
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 694, 292, 2012
Seismic evaluation of multi-storey RC frame using modal pushover analysis
S Chandrasekaran, A Roy
Nonlinear Dynamics 43, 329-342, 2006
Linearized oscillations of a vortex column: the singular eigenfunctions
A Roy, G Subramanian
Journal of fluid mechanics 741, 404-460, 2014
Collision rate of bidisperse, hydrodynamically interacting spheres settling in a turbulent flow
J Dhanasekaran, A Roy, DL Koch
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 912, A5, 2021
Collision rate of bidisperse spheres settling in a compressional non-continuum gas flow
J Dhanasekaran, A Roy, DL Koch
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 910, A10, 2021
Instability of a dusty vortex
S Shuai, DJ Dhas, A Roy, MH Kasbaoui
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 948, A56, 2022
Theoretical predictions of the orientation distribution of high-aspect-ratio, inertial particles settling in isotropic turbulence
U Menon, A Roy, S Kramel, G Voth, D Koch, Voth Lab Collaboration
APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts, Q36. 011, 2017
Phase space study of offshore structures subjected to non-linear hydrodynamic loading
S Chandrasekaran, A Roy
Proceedings of the International Conference on Structural Engineering, SEC, 397, 2005
Brownian coagulation of like-charged aerosol particles
P Patra, A Roy
Physical Review Fluids 7 (6), 064308, 2022
Analytical solutions for algebraic growth of disturbances in a stably stratified shear flow
S Jose, A Roy, R Bale, R Govindarajan
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering …, 2015
Inertio–elastic instability of a vortex column
A Roy, P Garg, JS Reddy, G Subramanian
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 937, A27, 2022
An inviscid modal interpretation of the ‘lift-up’effect.
A Roy, G Subramanian
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 757, 82-113, 2014
Transport of condensing droplets in Taylor-Green vortex flow in the presence of thermal noise
AVS Nath, A Roy, R Govindarajan, S Ravichandran
Physical Review E 105 (3), 035101, 2022
Collision efficiency of non-Brownian spheres in a simple shear flow–the role of non-continuum hydrodynamic interactions
P Patra, DL Koch, A Roy
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 950, A18, 2022
Stability of gravity-driven particle-laden flows–roles of shear-induced migration and normal stresses
DJ Dhas, A Roy
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 938, A29, 2022
Inertial effects on the flow near a moving contact line
A Varma, A Roy, BA Puthenveettil
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 924, A36, 2021
Stability of two-layer flows past slippery surfaces. I. Horizontal channels
V Ramakrishnan, R Mushthaq, A Roy, S Vengadesan
Physics of Fluids 33 (8), 2021
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