Chih-Lin Chi
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Cited by
Application of artificial neural network-based survival analysis on two breast cancer datasets
CL Chi, WN Street, WH Wolberg
AMIA annual symposium proceedings 2007, 130, 2007
Building a hospital referral expert system with a prediction and optimization-based decision support system algorithm
CL Chi, WN Street, MM Ward
Journal of biomedical informatics 41 (2), 371-386, 2008
Individualized patient-centered lifestyle recommendations: An expert system for communicating patient specific cardiovascular risk information and prioritizing lifestyle options
CL Chi, WN Street, JG Robinson, MA Crawford
Journal of Biomedical Informatics 45 (6), 1164-1174, 2012
Using artificial intelligence to improve pain assessment and pain management: a scoping review
M Zhang, L Zhu, SY Lin, K Herr, CL Chi, I Demir, K Dunn Lopez, NC Chi
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 30 (3), 570-587, 2023
A decision support system for cost-effective diagnosis
CL Chi, WN Street, DA Katz
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 50 (3), 149-161, 2010
Social determinants and health disparities associated with outcomes of women of childbearing age who receive public health nurse home visiting services
KA Monsen, JK Brandt, BL Brueshoff, CL Chi, MA Mathiason, ...
Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic & Neonatal Nursing 46 (2), 292-303, 2017
Environmental mold and mycotoxin exposures elicit specific cytokine and chemokine responses
JH Rosenblum Lichtenstein, YH Hsu, IM Gavin, TC Donaghey, RM Molina, ...
PloS one 10 (5), e0126926, 2015
Knowledge discovery with machine learning for hospital-acquired catheter-associated urinary tract infections
JI Park, DZ Bliss, CL Chi, CW Delaney, BL Westra
CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing 38 (1), 28-35, 2020
A systems approach to designing effective clinical trials using simulations
VA Fusaro, P Patil, CL Chi, CF Contant, PJ Tonellato
Circulation 127 (4), 517-526, 2013
Feasibility Study of a Machine Learning Approach to Predict Dementia Progression
CL Chi, W Oh, S Borson
2015 International Conference on Healthcare Informatics, 450-450, 2015
Using data-driven analytics and ecological systems theory to identify risk and protective factors for school absenteeism among secondary students
K Lee, BJ McMorris, CL Chi, WS Looman, MK Burns, CW Delaney
Journal of school psychology 98, 148-180, 2023
Factors associated with healthcare-acquired catheter-associated urinary tract infections: analysis using multiple data sources and data mining techniques
JI Park, DZ Bliss, CL Chi, CW Delaney, BL Westra
Journal of Wound Ostomy & Continence Nursing 45 (2), 168-173, 2018
Discovering associations among older adults’ characteristics and planned nursing interventions using electronic health record data
G Gao, MJ Kerr, RA Lindquist, CL Chi, MA Mathiason, KA Monsen
Research and theory for nursing practice 33 (1), 58, 2019
Personalized anticoagulation: Optimizing warfarin management using genetics and simulated clinical trials
K Ravvaz, JA Weissert, CT Ruff, CL Chi, PJ Tonellato
Circulation: Cardiovascular Genetics 10 (6), e001804, 2017
Medical decision support systems based on machine learning methods
CL Chi
The University of Iowa, 2009
Producing personalized statin treatment plans to optimize clinical outcomes using big data and machine learning
CL Chi, J Wang, PY Yew, T Lenskaia, M Loth, PM Pradhan, Y Liang, ...
Journal of biomedical informatics 128, 104029, 2022
Peer group and text message–based weight-loss and management intervention for African American women
S Lee, E Schorr, CL Chi, D Treat-Jacobson, MA Mathiason, R Lindquist
Western journal of nursing research 40 (8), 1203-1219, 2018
Personalized long-term prediction of cognitive function: Using sequential assessments to improve model performance
CL Chi, W Zeng, W Oh, S Borson, T Lenskaia, X Shen, PJ Tonellato
Journal of biomedical informatics 76, 78-86, 2017
Big data cohort extraction to facilitate machine learning to improve statin treatment
CL Chi, J Wang, TR Clancy, JG Robinson, PJ Tonellato, TJ Adam
Western journal of nursing research 39 (1), 42-62, 2017
Big data cohort extraction for personalized statin treatment and machine learning
TJ Adam, CL Chi
Bioinformatics and Drug Discovery, 255-272, 2019
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Articles 1–20