Olivier Kermorgant
Olivier Kermorgant
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Cited by
A magnetic climbing robot to perform autonomous welding in the shipbuilding industry
O Kermorgant
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 53, 178-186, 2018
Dealing with constraints in sensor-based robot control
O Kermorgant, F Chaumette
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 30 (1), 244-257, 2013
Combining IBVS and PBVS to ensure the visibility constraint
O Kermorgant, F Chaumette
2011 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2011
A dynamic simulator for underwater vehicle-manipulators
O Kermorgant
International Conference on Simulation, Modeling, and Programming for …, 2014
Cooperative multi-robot object transportation system based on hierarchical quadratic programming
D Koung, O Kermorgant, I Fantoni, L Belouaer
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 6 (4), 6466-6472, 2021
Multi-sensor data fusion in sensor-based control: Application to multi-camera visual servoing
O Kermorgant, F Chaumette
2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 4518-4523, 2011
Platooning of car-like vehicles in urban environments: An observer-based approach considering actuator dynamics and time delays
A Khalifa, O Kermorgant, S Dominguez, P Martinet
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 22 (9), 5684-5696, 2020
Maintaining visibility constraints during tele-echography with ultrasound visual servoing
T Li, O Kermorgant, A Krupa
2012 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 4856-4861, 2012
Integrating features acceleration in visual predictive control
F Fusco, O Kermorgant, P Martinet
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 5 (4), 5197-5204, 2020
Cable-driven parallel robot simulation using gazebo and ros
F Okoli, Y Lang, O Kermorgant, S Caro
ROMANSY 22–Robot Design, Dynamics and Control: Proceedings of the 22nd CISM …, 2019
Platooning of car-like vehicles in urban environments: Longitudinal control considering actuator dynamics, time delays, and limited communication capabilities
A Khalifa, O Kermorgant, S Dominguez, P Martinet
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 29 (6), 2670-2677, 2020
Consensus-based formation control and obstacle avoidance for nonholonomic multi-robot system
D Koung, I Fantoni, O Kermorgant, L Belouaer
2020 16th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and …, 2020
Vehicles platooning in urban environment: Consensus-based longitudinal control with limited communications capabilities
A Khalifa, O Kermorgant, S Dominguez, P Martinet
2018 15th international conference on control, automation, robotics and …, 2018
Complete singularity analysis for the perspective-four-point problem
B Pascual-Escudero, A Nayak, S Briot, O Kermorgant, P Martinet, ...
International Journal of Computer Vision 129 (4), 1217-1237, 2021
Laser-based control law for autonomous parallel and perpendicular parking
DP Morales, O Kermorgant, SD Quijada, P Martinet
2018 Second IEEE International Conference on Robotic Computing (IRC), 64-71, 2018
Autonomous parking using a sensor based approach
D Pérez-Morales, S Domínguez-Quijada, O Kermorgant, P Martinet
2016 IEEE 19th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation …, 2016
A composite beacon initialization for EKF range-only SLAM
L Génevé, O Kermorgant, E Laroche
2015 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2015
Multisensor-based predictive control for autonomous parking
D Pérez-Morales, O Kermorgant, S Domínguez-Quijada, P Martinet
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 38 (2), 835-851, 2021
A comparison of visual servoing from features velocity and acceleration interaction models
F Fusco, O Kermorgant, P Martinet
2019 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2019
An observer-based longitudinal control of car-like vehicles platoon navigating in an urban environment
A Khalifa, O Kermorgant, S Dominguez, P Martinet
2019 IEEE 58th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 5735-5741, 2019
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Articles 1–20