Stine Kramer Jacobsen
Stine Kramer Jacobsen
Assistant professor, University of Copenhagen
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Perennial flower strips for pest control in organic apple orchards-A pan-European study
F Cahenzli, L Sigsgaard, C Daniel, A Herz, L Jamar, M Kelderer, ...
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 278, 43-53, 2019
The impact of reduced tillage and distance to field margin on predator functional diversity
SK Jacobsen, L Sigsgaard, AB Johansen, K Thorup-Kristensen, ...
Journal of Insect Conservation 26 (3), 491-501, 2022
Organic cropping practice decreases pest abundance and positively influences predator-prey interactions
LS Stine K. Jacobsen, Gilberto J. Moraes, Helle Sørensen
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 2019
Perennial flower strips in apple orchards promote natural enemies in their proximity
SK Jacobsen, H Sørensen, L Sigsgaard
Crop Protection, 2022
Antipredator responses in Tetranychus urticae differ with predator specialization
LS S. K. Jacobsen, I. Alexakis
Journal of Applied Entomology, 2016
Generalist predator contributions to the control of Tetranychus urticae in strawberry crops documented by PCR-based gut content analysis
SK Jacobsen, L Sigsgaard, K Hansen, JD Harwood, EG Chapman, ...
Experimental and Applied Acarology 77, 133-143, 2019
Use of antibiotics in patients admitted to the hospital due to acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
SK Jacobsen, N Weis, T Almdal
European Journal of Internal Medicine 13 (8), 514-517, 2002
First records of the invasive aphid species, Aphis spiraecola, in Kosovo, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, the United Kingdom and Denmark
C Borbély, Z György, SK Jacobsen, F Musa, J Ouředníčková, L Sigsgaard, ...
Plant Protection Science 57 (1), 70-74, 2021
Monitoring methods adapted to different perceptions and uses of functional biodiversity: Insights from a European qualitative study
A Cardona, M Tchamitchian, S Penvern, A Dufils, SK Jacobsen, ...
Ecological Indicators 129, 107883, 2021
Species Composition of Thrips (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) in Strawberry High Tunnels in Denmark
SKJ Helene Nielsen, Lene Sigsgaard, Sverre Kobro, Nauja L. Jensen
Insects, 2021
Different behavioral responses in specialist and generalist natural enemy interactions (predators and fungi) in a strawberry-mite pest system.
S Jacobsen, J Eilenberg, I Klingen, L Sigsgaard
Functional agrobiodiversity–a novel approach to optimize pest control in fruit production
L Sigsgaard, SK Jacobsen
IOBC-WPRS Bulletin 122, 26-28, 2017
API-Tree oucomes: Pesticide-free methods to control apple pests, experimentation and performance.
A Alaphilippe, G Alins, N Borowiec, ED de La Fuente, T Dardouri, ...
INRAE, 2021
Entomopathogenic fungal conidia marginally affect the behavior of the predators Orius majusculus (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae) and Phytoseiulus persimilis (Acari: Phytoseiidae …
LS Stine K. Jacobsen, Ingeborg Klingen, Jørgen Eilenberg, Bo Markussen
Experimental and Applied Acarology, 2019
Large-scale geography survey provides insights into the colonization history of a major aphid pest on its cultivated apple host in Europe, North America and North Africa
SG Olvera-Vazquez, C Remoué, A Venon, A Rousselet, O Grandcolas, ...
Peer Community Journal, Section: Evolutionary Biology, 2021
First steps towards biological control of the pear gall midge (Contarinia pyrivora) with the insect pathogenic fungus Metarhizium brunneum
JE Bernhardt M. Steinwender, Lene Sigsgaard, Stine K. Jacobsen
Journal of Applied Entomology, 2020
Bæredygtighedsvurdering af stribedyrkning som biodiversitetstiltag i økologisk planteavl
S Hermansen, BZ Jensen, NLB Steincke, L Sigsgaard, SK Jacobsen, ...
Innovation Center for Organic Farming, 2023
Trophic Interactions Between Generalist Predators and the Two Spotted Spide Mite, Tetranychus Urticae, in Strawberry
SK Jacobsen
University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Science, Department of Plant and …, 2015
Fair concordance between Google Trends and Danish ornithologists in the assessment of temporal trends in Danish bird populations highlights the informational value of big data
PM Jensen, F Danielsen, SK Jacobsen, T Vikstrøm
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 196 (3), 276, 2024
Stribedyrkning–effekter på bladlus og deres naturlige fjender
L Sigsgaard, SK Jacobsen
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Articles 1–20