Isar Ghamari
Isar Ghamari
PhD in Marine Hydrodynamics
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Numerical and experimental study on the parametric roll resonance for a fishing vessel with and without forward speed
I Ghamari, M Greco, OM Faltinsen, C Lugni
Applied Ocean Research 101, 102272, 2020
Investigation of Parametric Resonance in Roll for Container Carrier Ships
I Ghamari, OM Faltinsen, M Greco
34th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering …, 2015
Parametric Resonance of a Fishing Vessel with and without Anti- Roll Tank: An Experimental and Numerical Study
I Ghamari, OM Faltinsen, M Greco, C Lugni
36th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering OMAE2017, 2017
A CFD investigation of the propulsion performance of a low-speed VLCC tanker at different initial trim angles
H Mahmoodi, I Ghamari, A Hajivand, M Mansoori
Ocean Engineering 275, 114148, 2023
Ship roll analysis using CFD-derived roll damping: Numerical and experimental study
I Ghamari, HR Mahmoudi, A Hajivand, MS Seif
Journal of Marine Science and Application 21 (1), 67-79, 2022
Numerical prediction of wave patterns due to motion of 3D bodies by kelvin-havelock sources
H Ghassemi, I Ghamari, A Ashrafi
Gdansk University of Technology, 2016
Nonlinear free surface flows due to the lifting and nonlifting moving bodies
H Ghassemi, AR Kohansal, I Ghamari
17th Annual (International) Conference on Mechanical Engineering-ISME2009, 2009
Numerical and Experimental Study on the Ship Parametric Roll Resonance and the Effect of Anti- Roll Tank
I Ghamari
Doctoral theses at NTNU;2019:21, 2019
Numerical and experimental investigation of the roll moment due to free-surface anti-roll tanks
I Ghamari, MS Seif, HR Mahmoodi
Modares Mechanical Engineering 21 (9), 641-650, 2021
Using Kelvin- Havelock Singularity in simulation of Free-Surface Wave Pattern
I Ghamari, H Ghassemi
12th Marine Industries Conference (MIC2010), 2010
Numerical computation of hydrodynamics characteristics of surface and surface piercing bodies and free surface waves using BEM
I Ghamari, H Ghassemi
1st Applied Hydrodynamic Conference (AHC2010), 2010
The effect of the wave radiation on the second order steady loads for arbitrary bodies
SH Mousavizadegan, I Ghamari, R Abid, M Rahman
Fluid Structure Interaction (FSI 2009), 2009
Nonlinear Generated Wave Pattern due to a Three Dimensional Moving Body
H Ghassemi, M Ghiasi, I Ghamari
Citation: Isar Ghamari, Hamid Reza Mahmoudi, Ahmad Hajivand, et al. Ship Roll Analysis Using CFD-Derived Roll Damping: Numerical and Experimental Study [J]. Journal of Marine …
I Ghamari
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Articles 1–14