matthias zick varul
matthias zick varul
IU Internationale Hochschule (f.k.a. IUBH), Department of Social Sciences
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Cited by
Country-of-origin effects, host-country effects, and the management of HR in multinationals: German companies in Britain and Spain
A Ferner, J Quintanilla, MZ Varul
Journal of World Business 36 (2), 107-127, 2001
Talcott Parsons, the sick role and chronic illness
MZ Varul
Body & Society 16 (2), 72-94, 2010
‘Vanguard’subsidiaries and the diffusion of new practices: A case study of German multinationals
A Ferner, M Varul
British Journal of industrial relations 38 (1), 115-140, 2000
Ethical selving in cultural contexts: Fairtrade consumption as an everyday ethical practice in the UK and Germany
MZ Varul
International Journal of Consumer Studies 33 (2), 183-189, 2009
Consuming the campesino: Fair trade marketing between recognition and romantic commodification
MZ Varul
Cultural Studies and Anti-Consumerism, 136-161, 2014
The German way: German multinationals and human resource management
A Ferner, MZ Varul
Anglo-German Foundation for the Study of Industrial Society, 1999
Internationalisation and the personnel function in German multinationals
A Ferner, MZ Varul
Human Resource Management Journal 10 (3), 79, 2000
After heroism: Religion versus consumerism. Preliminaries for an investigation of Protestantism and Islam under consumer culture
M Zick Varul
Islam and Christian–Muslim Relations 19 (2), 237-255, 2008
Ethical Consumption: The Case of Fair Trade
MZ Varul
Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 366-385, 2009
Waste, industry and romantic leisure: Veblen’s theory of recognition
MZ Varul
European journal of social theory 9 (1), 103-117, 2006
Towards a consumerist critique of capitalism: A socialist defence of consumer culture
MZ Varul
ephemera 13 (2), 293-315, 2013
Fair Trade Consumerism as an Everyday Ethical Practice-A Comparative Perspective
MZ Varul, D Wilson-Kovacs
University of Exeter and ESRC, 2008
Reciprocity, Recognition and Labor Value: Marx's Incidental Moral Anthropology
MZ Varul
Wiley, 2010
Geld und Gesundheit: Konsum als Transformation von Geld in Moral
MZ Varul
Berlin: Logos, 450, 2004
Consumerism as Folk Religion: Transcendence, Probation and Dissatisfaction with Capitalism
MZ Varul
Studies in Christian Ethics 28 (4), 447-460, 2015
The Sufi ethics and the spirits of consumerism: A preliminary suggestion for further research
MZ Varul
Marketing Theory 13 (4), 505-512, 2013
Corporate social responsibility within the mining industry: case studies from across Europe and Russia
EA Adey, RK Shail, F Wall, M Varul, P Whitbread-Abrutat, C Baciu, ...
Sustainable Development in the Minerals Industry: 14/06/2011-17/06/2011, 153-170, 2011
Veblen in the (inner) city: on the normality of looting
MZ Varul
Sociological Research Online 16 (4), 205-209, 2011
The cultural tragedy of production and the expropriation of the brickolariat: The Lego Movie as consumer-capitalist myth
MZ Varul
European Journal of Cultural Studies, 1367549417718208, 2017
A time to pray, a time to play?: Everyday life in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia between the temporalities of religion, tradition and consumerism
T Aldossry, MZ Varul
Time and Society 25, 2016
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Articles 1–20