G. Soundararajan
G. Soundararajan
Post-Doc Fellow, Department of Mathematical Modeling, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania.
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Cited by
Robust event-triggered reliable control for TS fuzzy uncertain systems via weighted based inequality
G Nagamani, YH Joo, G Soundararajan, R Mohajerpoor
Information Sciences 512, 31-49, 2020
Robust state estimation for fractional-order delayed BAM neural networks via LMI approach
G Nagamani, M Shafiya, G Soundararajan, M Prakash
Journal of the Franklin Institute 357 (8), 4964-4982, 2020
Exponential state estimation for memristor-based discrete-time BAM neural networks with additive delay components
G Nagamani, GS Rajan, Q Zhu
IEEE transactions on cybernetics 50 (10), 4281-4292, 2019
Robust extended dissipativity analysis for Markovian jump discrete-time delayed stochastic singular neural networks
G Nagamani, G Soundararajan, R Subramaniam, M Azeem
Neural Computing and Applications 32 (13), 9699-9712, 2020
An LMI based state estimation for fractional-order memristive neural networks with leakage and time delays
G Nagamani, M Shafiya, G Soundararajan
Neural Processing Letters 52, 2089-2108, 2020
Non-fragile extended dissipative state estimation for delayed discrete-time neural networks: application to quadruple tank process model
G Nagamani, B Adhira, G Soundararajan
Nonlinear Dynamics 104, 451-466, 2021
State-Feedback Filtering for Delayed Discrete-Time Complex-Valued Neural Networks
S Ganesan, N Gnaneswaran
IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems 31 (11), 4726-4736, 2020
Observer-based exponential stabilization for time-delay systems via augmented weighted integral inequality
G Nagamani, C Karthik, G Soundararajan
Journal of the Franklin Institute 356 (16), 9023-9042, 2019
Delay-dependent and independent state estimation for BAM cellular neural networks with multi-proportional delays
G Nagamani, A Karnan, G Soundararajan
Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing 40, 3179-3203, 2021
Non-fragile output-feedback synchronization for delayed discrete-time complex-valued neural networks with randomly occurring uncertainties
G Soundararajan, G Nagamani
Neural Networks 159, 70-83, 2023
Finite-time/fixed-time synchronization of memristive shunting inhibitory cellular neural networks via sliding mode control
M Otkel, S Ganesan, R Rajan, A Kashkynbayev
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 222, 252-263, 2024
Exponential H∞ synchronization and anti-synchronization of delayed discrete-time complex-valued neural networks with uncertainties
KSR Priyanka, G Soundararajan, A Kashkynbayev, G Nagamani
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 207, 301-321, 2023
Exponential H∞ filtering for complex-valued uncertain discrete-time neural networks with time-varying delays
G Soundararajan, G Nagamani, A Kashkynbayev
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 128, 107595, 2024
Finite-time contractive stability for fractional-order nonlinear systems with delayed impulses: Applications to neural networks
P Gokul, G Soundararajan, A Kashkynbayev, R Rakkiyappan
Neurocomputing 610, 128599, 2024
Exponential extended dissipative performance for delayed discrete-time neural networks under memoryless resilient-based observer design
B Adhira, G Nagamani, G Soundararajan
Journal of the Franklin Institute 359 (11), 5750-5777, 2022
Co-existence of robust output-feedback synchronization and anti-synchronization of delayed discrete-time neural networks with its application
KSR Priyanka, G Soundararajan, A Kashkynbayev, G Nagamani
Computational and Applied Mathematics 43 (2), 77, 2024
Output sampling synchronization and state estimation in flux-charge domain memristive neural networks with leakage and time-varying delays
G Soundararajan, R Suvetha, M Ragulskis, P Prakash
Neural Networks, 107018, 2024
Design of an event-triggered extended dissipative state estimator for neural networks with multiple time-varying delays
A Karnan, G Soundararajan, G Nagamani, A Kashkynbayev
The European Physical Journal Special Topics, 1-15, 2024
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Articles 1–18