Musfer Adzhymambetov
Musfer Adzhymambetov
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Cited by
Description of bulk observables in Au+ Au collisions at top RHIC energy in the integrated hydrokinetic model
MD Adzhymambetov, VM Shapoval, YM Sinyukov
Nuclear Physics A 987, 321-336, 2019
Femtoscopy scales and particle production in the relativistic heavy ion collisions from Au+ Au at 200 AGeV to Xe+ Xe at 5.44 ATeV within the integrated hydrokinetic model
VM Shapoval, MD Adzhymambetov, YM Sinyukov
The European Physical Journal A 56 (10), 260, 2020
Particle Production in XeXe Collisions at the LHC within the Integrated Hydrokinetic Model
Y Sinyukov, M Adzhymambetov, V Shapoval
Particles 3 (1), 114-122, 2020
Bose-Einstein momentum correlations at fixed multiplicities: Lessons from an exactly solvable thermal model for collisions at the LHC
MD Adzhymambetov, SV Akkelin, YM Sinyukov
Physical Review D 103 (11), 116012, 2021
Space–Time Structure of Particle Emission and Femtoscopy Scales in Ultrarelativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions
Y Sinyukov, V Shapoval, M Adzhymambetov
Universe 9 (10), 433, 2023
Fixed particle number constraint in a simple model of a thermal expanding system and collisions at the LHC
MD Adzhymambetov, SV Akkelin, YM Sinyukov
Physical Review D 105 (9), 096035, 2022
Correlation analysis of high-energy heavy-ion collisions within the integrated hydrokinetic model
YM Sinyukov, MD Adzhymambetov, VM Shapoval
The European Physical Journal Special Topics 229, 3551-3557, 2020
Inclusive spectra and Bose-Einstein correlations in small thermal quantum systems
MD Adzhymambetov, YM Sinyukov
Physical Review D 102 (3), 036019, 2020
The prethermal stage of heavy-ion collision and the particle production
YM Sinyukov, MD Adzhymambetov, VY Naboka, VM Shapoval
Acta Physica Polonica B, Proceedings Supplement 11 (4), 633-636, 2018
Extension of the integrated HydroKinetic Model to BES RHIC and GSI-FAIR nuclear collision energies
M Adzhymambetov, Y Sinyukov
arXiv preprint arXiv:2412.00458, 2024
Quantum local-equilibrium state with fixed multiplicity constraint and Bose-Einstein momentum correlations
MD Adzhymambetov, SV Akkelin, YM Sinyukov
Physical Review D 108 (9), 096030, 2023
Ядерна фізика та енергетика Nuclear Physics and Atomic Energy
YM Sinyukov, VM Shapoval, MD Adzhymambetov
Nucl. Phys 24 (2), 87-92, 2023
Space–Time Structure of Particle Emission and Femtoscopy Scales in Ultrarelativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions. Universe 2023, 9, 433
Y Sinyukov, V Shapoval, M Adzhymambetov
Space-time picture and observables in heavy ion collisions at the Large Hadron Collider energies
Y Sinyukov, VM Shapoval, MD Adzhymambetov
Nuclear Physics and Atomic Energy 24 (2), 2023
Femtoscopic Structure of Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions in the Integrated HydroKinetic Model
YM Sinyukov, MD Adzhymambetov, VM Shapoval, VY Naboka
Physics of Particles and Nuclei 51 (3), 258-262, 2020
The femtoscopy scales in Au+ Au collisions at the top RHIC energy
MD Adzhymambetov, VY Naboka, VM Shapoval, YM Sinyukov
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Y Aharonov, L Bravina, S Kabana
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Articles 1–17