Heidi Layne
Heidi Layne
Nanyang Technological University/ National Institute of Education
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Cited by
A guide to interculturality for international and exchange students: an example of Hostipitality?
F Dervin, H Layne
Journal of multicultural discourses 8 (1), 1-19, 2013
Student teachers in the contact zone: developing critical intercultural ‘teacherhood’in kindergarten teacher education
H Layne, L Lipponen
Globalisation, Societies and Education 14 (1), 110-126, 2016
Problematizing Finland’s pursuit of intercultural (kindergarten) teacher education
H Layne, F Dervin
Multicultural Education Review 8 (2), 118-134, 2016
Education reforms within neoliberal paradigms: A comparative look at the Singaporean and Finnish education systems
SS Teng, M Abu Bakar, H Layne
Asia Pacific journal of education 40 (4), 458-471, 2020
Making the most of Intercultural Education
G Robson, V Trémion, F Dervin
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015
“Zebra world”: The promotion of imperial stereotypes in a children’s book
H Layne, AA Alemanji
Power and Education 7 (2), 181-195, 2015
Critical literacy in the Nordic education context: Insights from Finland and Norway
A Veum, H Layne, K Kumpulainen, M Vivitsou
The handbook of critical literacies, 273-280, 2021
“They are not mixing with others”: Finnish lecturers’ perspectives on international students’(mis-) encounters in higher education
C Mendoza, F Dervin, M Yuan, H Layne
ECNU Review of Education 5 (1), 89-115, 2022
Kriittisiä näkemyksiä monikulttuurisuuskasvatukseen
H Janhonen-Abruquah, H Paavola, H Layne
Kasvatus 47 (3), 245-251, 2016
Do I contradict myself? Very well, I contradict myself (…)”: Representing intercultural encounters in two Finnish history textbooks
F Dervin, K Hahl, A Härkönen, H Layne
Diversities and interculturality in textbooks: Finland as an example …, 2015
‘Integration is not a one-way process’: students negotiating meanings of integration and internationalization at home (IaH) in Finnish higher education
C Mendoza, F Dervin, H Layne
Higher Education Research & Development 42 (5), 1150-1164, 2023
Navigating diversities: experiences of youths in one Singapore school
M Abu Bakar, SS Teng, H Layne, SN Kaurani
Journal of multicultural discourses 16 (3), 258-276, 2021
Immigrant students in Nordic educational policy documents
LA Kulbrandstad, H Layne, H Paavola, A Hellman, H Ragnarsdóttir
Learning spaces for inclusion and social justice: Success stories from four …, 2018
Developing Intercultural Mindedness through an experiential learning activity—A case study from Singapore
H Layne, SS Teng
Education Sciences 12 (3), 212, 2022
Children and interculturality in education
A Jacobsson, H Layne, F Dervin
Routledge, 2023
Success and multiculturalism in Finnish schools
H Layne, F Dervin, RJ Longfor
Advancing multicultural dialogues in education, 159-176, 2018
Contact zones in (Finnish) intercultural education
H Layne
Ethesis. University of Helsinki https://helda. helsinki. fi/bitstream/handle …, 2016
Language Hierarchisations and Dehierarchisations: Nordic Parents' Views Towards Language Awareness Activities
P Daryai-Hansen, HJ Layne, S Lefever
Research Anthology on Applied Linguistics and Language Practices, 1110-1128, 2022
The story of my teaching: Constructing learning spaces for diverse pupils
H Guðjónsdóttir, AK Wozniczka, KR Gísladóttir, J Lunneblad, Y Odenbring, ...
Learning spaces for inclusion and social justice: Success stories from four …, 2018
Constructing norms and silences on diversities through the spaces in three schools in Helsinki Region in Finland
AL Riitaoja, H Layne, H Liu, H Paavola, E Kralovec, R Orozco
World Studies in Education 16 (2), 19-32, 2015
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Articles 1–20