Fang He
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Cited by
An experimental study of a floating breakwater with asymmetric pneumatic chambers for wave energy extraction
F He, Z Huang, AWK Law
Applied energy 106, 222-231, 2013
Hydrodynamic performance of a rectangular floating breakwater with and without pneumatic chambers: An experimental study
F He, Z Huang, AWK Law
Ocean Engineering 51, 16-27, 2012
Hydrodynamic performance of pile-supported OWC-type structures as breakwaters: an experimental study
F He, Z Huang
Ocean Engineering 88, 618-626, 2014
An experimental investigation into the wave power extraction of a floating box-type breakwater with dual pneumatic chambers
F He, J Leng, X Zhao
Applied Ocean Research 67, 21-30, 2017
Hydrodynamic performance of a pile-supported OWC breakwater: An analytical study
F He, H Zhang, J Zhao, S Zheng, G Iglesias
Applied Ocean Research 88, 326-340, 2019
Numerical investigation of the solitary wave breaking over a slope by using the finite particle method
F He, H Zhang, C Huang, M Liu
Coastal Engineering 156, 103617, 2020
A study of tsunami-like solitary wave transformation and run-up over fringing reefs
Y Yao, F He, Z Tang, Z Liu
Ocean Engineering 149, 142-155, 2018
A stable SPH model with large CFL numbers for multi-phase flows with large density ratios
F He, H Zhang, C Huang, M Liu
Journal of Computational Physics 453, 110944, 2022
Nonlinear dynamics of a fluid-conveying pipe under the combined action of cross-flow and top-end excitations
F He, H Dai, Z Huang, L Wang
Applied Ocean Research 62, 199-209, 2017
A floating box-type breakwater with slotted barriers
Z Huang, F He, W Zhang
Journal of Hydraulic Research 52 (5), 720-727, 2014
An experimental study of pile-supported OWC-type breakwaters: energy extraction and vortex-induced energy loss
F He, M Li, Z Huang
Energies 9 (7), 540, 2016
Characteristics of orifices for modeling nonlinear power take-off in wave-flume tests of oscillating water column devices
F He, Z Huang
Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A 18 (5), 329-345, 2017
Numerical investigation on the water entry of a 3D circular cylinder based on a GPU-accelerated SPH method
H Zhang, Z Zhang, F He, M Liu
European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids 94, 1-16, 2022
Nonplanar multi-modal vibrations of fluid-conveying risers under shear cross flows
T Jiang, Z Liu, H Dai, L Wang, F He
Applied Ocean Research 88, 187-209, 2019
Using an oscillating water column structure to reduce wave reflection from a vertical wall
F He, Z Huang
Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering 142 (2), 04015021, 2016
An experimental study of a rectangular floating breakwater with vertical plates as wave-dissipating components
F He, J Li, J Pan, Z Yuan
Applied Ocean Research 133, 103497, 2023
Numerical investigation of solitary wave breaking over a slope based on multi-phase smoothed particle hydrodynamics
F He, Y Zhang, H Jiang, C Huang
Physics of Fluids 35 (2), 2023
Advanced ocean wave energy harvesting: current progress and future trends
F He, Y Liu, J Pan, X Ye, P Jiao
Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A 24 (2), 91-108, 2023
Experimental investigation of vortex evolution around oscillating water column wave energy converter using particle image velocimetry
F He, Y Lin, J Pan, M Wei
Physics of Fluids 35 (1), 2023
Numerical investigation of solitary wave interaction with double row of vertical slotted piles
Y Yao, Z Tang, F He, W Yuan
Journal of Engineering Mechanics 144 (1), 04017147, 2018
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