Xiaoshan Huang
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Cited by
Human-AI collaboration patterns in AI-assisted academic writing
A Nguyen, Y Hong, B Dang, X Huang
Studies in Higher Education, 1-18, 2024
Social emotional interaction in collaborative learning: Why it matters and how can we measure it?
X Huang, SP Lajoie
Social Sciences & Humanities Open 7 (1), 100447, 2023
Exploring teachers’ emotional experience in a TPACK development task
X Huang, L Huang, SP Lajoie
Educational technology research and development 70 (4), 1283-1303, 2022
Prompt-based and Fine-tuned GPT Models for Context-Dependent and-Independent Deductive Coding in Social Annotation
C Hou, G Zhu, J Zheng, L Zhang, X Huang, T Zhong, S Li, H Du, CL Ker
Proceedings of the 14th Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference, 518-528, 2024
Examining students’ cognitive load in the context of self-regulated learning with an intelligent tutoring system
T Wang, S Li, X Huang, Z Pan, SP Lajoie
Education and Information Technologies 28 (5), 5697-5715, 2023
Examining the Interplay between Self-Regulated Learning Activities and Types of Knowledge within a Computer-Simulated Environment.
S Li, X Huang, T Wang, Z Pan, SP Lajoie
Journal of Learning Analytics 9 (3), 152-168, 2022
How to prompt training effectiveness? An investigation on achievement goal setting intervention in workplace learning
Y Jiang, W Lin, X Huang, L Duan, Y Wu, P Jiang, X Wang
Journal of Workplace Learning 35 (1), 75-91, 2023
Identifying temporal changes in student engagement in social annotation during online collaborative reading
F Chen, S Li, L Lin, X Huang
Education and Information Technologies, 1-24, 2024
Workplace learning in China: Transferring training into practice to improve performance
X Wang, W Lin, T Xue, A Green, L Gu, Y He, XS Huang, Z Jin, Y Wu
International journal for research in vocational education and training 9 (3 …, 2022
Exploring the co‐occurrence of students' learning behaviours and reasoning processes in an intelligent tutoring system: An epistemic network analysis
X Huang, S Li, T Wang, Z Pan, SP Lajoie
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 39 (5), 1701-1713, 2023
Task complexity affects temporal characteristics of self-regulated learning behaviours in an intelligent tutoring system
T Wang, S Li, X Huang, SP Lajoie
Educational technology research and development 71 (3), 991-1011, 2023
Multimodal learning analytics for assessing teachers’ self-regulated learning in planning technology-integrated lessons in a computer-based environment
L Huang, T Doleck, B Chen, X Huang, C Tan, SP Lajoie, M Wang
Education and Information Technologies 28 (12), 15823-15843, 2023
Longitudinal changes of student engagement in social annotation
L Lin, S Li, X Huang, F Chen
Distance Education 45 (1), 103-121, 2024
Intelligent Tutoring System
T Wang, S Li, X Huang, Z Pan, SP Lajoie
Theoretical Frameworks and Empirical Evidence on Bridging Cognitive Load and …, 2024
Exploring behavioural patterns and their relationships with social annotation outcomes
S Li, X Huang, G Zhu, H Du, T Zhong, C Hou, J Zheng
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 2024
Relations Between SRL and Teachers' Emotions in Technology Integration
X Huang, L Huang, SP Lajoie
EDULEARN Proceedings in the 12th International Conference on Education and …, 2020
Social presence in technology-rich learning environments: how real we are feeling connected and how does it matter for learning?
X Huang, A Ruiz-Segura, C Tan, T Wang, R Sharma, SP Lajoie
Information and Learning Sciences 124 (11/12), 396-424, 2023
The influence of feedback on employees’ goal setting and performance in online corporate training: a moderation effect
L Duan, H Song, X Huang, W Lin, Y Jiang, X Wang, Y Wu
Information and Learning Sciences 124 (11/12), 442-459, 2023
How does online employee training enhance organizational growth? The benefits of integrating educational technology into workplace learning
X Zhang, H Wu, X Huang, Q Wu, Y Wu
Industrial and Commercial Training, 2023
Using text mining and machine learning to predict reasoning activities from think-aloud transcripts in computer assisted learning
S Li, X Huang, T Wang, J Zheng, SP Lajoie
Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 1-20, 2024
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Articles 1–20