Paula I Campanello
Paula I Campanello
CONICET - Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia, Chubut, Argentina
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Unidades de vegetación de la Argentina
M Oyarzabal, J Clavijo, L Oakley, F Biganzoli, P Tognetti, I Barberis, ...
Ecología austral 28 (1), 40-63, 2018
Mechanisms contributing to seasonal homeostasis of minimum leaf water potential and predawn disequilibrium between soil and plant water potential in Neotropical savanna trees
SJ Bucci, G Goldstein, FC Meinzer, AC Franco, P Campanello, FG Scholz
Trees 19, 296-304, 2005
Nutrient availability constrains the hydraulic architecture and water relations of savannah trees
SJ Bucci, FG Scholz, G Goldstein, FC Meinzer, AC Franco, PI Campanello, ...
Plant, Cell & Environment 29 (12), 2153-2167, 2006
Axial and radial water transport and internal water storage in tropical forest canopy trees
SA James, FC Meinzer, G Goldstein, D Woodruff, T Jones, T Restom, ...
Oecologia 134, 37-45, 2003
Coordination of leaf and stem water transport properties in tropical forest trees
FC Meinzer, DR Woodruff, JC Domec, G Goldstein, PI Campanello, ...
Oecologia 156, 31-41, 2008
Tree regeneration and microclimate in a liana and bamboo-dominated semideciduous Atlantic Forest
PI Campanello, MG Gatti, A Ares, L Montti, G Goldstein
Forest Ecology and Management 252 (1-3), 108-117, 2007
Hydraulic differences along the water transport system of South American Nothofagus species: do leaves protect the stem functionality?
SJ Bucci, FG Scholz, PI Campanello, L Montti, M Jimenez-Castillo, ...
Tree physiology 32 (7), 880-893, 2012
Lianas in a subtropical Atlantic Forest: host preference and tree growth
PI Campanello, JF Garibaldi, MG Gatti, G Goldstein
Forest Ecology and Management 242 (2-3), 250-259, 2007
Thinning of loblolly pine plantations in subtropical Argentina: Impact on microclimate and understory vegetation
CP Trentini, PI Campanello, M Villagra, L Ritter, A Ares, G Goldstein
Forest Ecology and Management 384, 236-247, 2017
Water storage dynamics in the main stem of subtropical tree species differing in wood density, growth rate and life history traits
L Oliva Carrasco, SJ Bucci, D Di Francescantonio, OA Lezcano, ...
Tree physiology 35 (4), 354-365, 2015
Constraints on physiological function associated with branch architecture and wood density in tropical forest trees
FC Meinzer, PI Campanello, JC Domec, MG Gatti, G Goldstein, ...
Tree Physiology 28 (11), 1609-1617, 2008
Functional relationships between leaf hydraulics and leaf economic traits in response to nutrient addition in subtropical tree species
M Villagra, PI Campanello, SJ Bucci, G Goldstein
Tree Physiology 33 (12), 1308-1318, 2013
Understory bamboo flowering provides a very narrow light window of opportunity for canopy-tree recruitment in a neotropical forest of Misiones, Argentina
L Montti, PI Campanello, MG Gatti, C Blundo, AT Austin, OE Sala, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 262 (8), 1360-1369, 2011
Coordination between water-transport efficiency and photosynthetic capacity in canopy tree species at different growth irradiances
PI Campanello, MG Gatti, G Goldstein
Tree physiology 28 (1), 85-94, 2008
Functional traits enhance invasiveness of bamboos over co-occurring tree saplings in the semideciduous Atlantic Forest
L Montti, M Villagra, PI Campanello, MG Gatti, G Goldstein
Acta Oecologica 54, 36-44, 2014
Evapotranspiration of subtropical forests and tree plantations: A comparative analysis at different temporal and spatial scales
PM Cristiano, PI Campanello, SJ Bucci, SA Rodriguez, OA Lezcano, ...
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 203, 96-106, 2015
High NDVI and potential canopy photosynthesis of South American subtropical forests despite seasonal changes in leaf area index and air temperature
PM Cristiano, N Madanes, PI Campanello, D Di Francescantonio, ...
Forests 5 (2), 287-308, 2014
Frost resistance in the tropical palm Euterpe edulis and its pattern of distribution in the Atlantic Forest of Argentina
MG Gatti, PI Campanello, LF Montti, G Goldstein
Forest Ecology and Management 256 (4), 633-640, 2008
Growth and leaf production in the tropical palm Euterpe edulis: Light conditions versus developmental constraints
MG Gatti, PI Campanello, G Goldstein
Flora-Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants 206 (8), 742-748, 2011
Removal of nutrient limitations in forest gaps enhances growth rate and resistance to cavitation in subtropical canopy tree species differing in shade tolerance
M Villagra, PI Campanello, L Montti, G Goldstein
Tree Physiology 33 (3), 285-296, 2013
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Articles 1–20