Michael Omoigberale
Michael Omoigberale
Animal and Environmental Biology, University of Benin, Benin City.
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Cited by
Using pollution load index and geoaccumulation index for the assessment of heavy metal pollution and sediment quality of the Benin River, Nigeria
AE Ogbeibu, MO Omoigberale, IM Ezenwa, JO Eziza, JO Igwe
Natural Environment 2 (1), 1-9, 2014
Macroinvertebrate communities and physicochemical characteristics along an anthropogenic stress gradient in a southern Nigeria stream: Implications for ecological restoration
UN Keke, MO Omoigberale, I Ezenwa, A Yusuf, E Biose, N Nweke, ...
Environmental and Sustainability Indicators 12, 100157, 2021
Assessing the Environmental impacts of oil exploration and production on the Osse River, Southern Nigeria: 1. Heavy metals
MO Omoigberale, AE Ogbeibu
African journal of environmental pollution and health 4 (1), 27-32, 2005
Environmental impacts of oil exploration and production on the Macrobenthic Invertebrate Fauna of Osse River, Southern Nigeria
MO Omoigberale, AE Ogbeibu
Res. J. Environ. Sci 4, 101-114, 2010
Assessing the environmental impacts of oil exploration and production on the water quality of Osse River, Southern Nigeria
MO Omoigberale, AE Ogbeibu
Global Journal of Environmental Sciences 6 (1), 1-14, 2007
Evaluation of heavy metals of the Palaemonid Shrimps (Macrobrachium vollenhovenii) in Osse River, Nigeria
MO Omoigberale, O Ikponmwosa-Eweka
Bioscience Research Communications 22 (5), 247-254, 2010
Physio-Chemical Analysis of Industrial Effluents in parts of Edo States Nigeria
EE Ewere, MO Omoigberale, OE Bamawo, NO Erhunmwunse
Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management 18 (2), 267-272, 2014
An assessment of the trace metal contents of Owan River, Edo State, Nigeria
MO Omoigberale, IP Oboh, NO Erhunmwunse, IM Ezenwa, SO Omoruyi
European International Journal of Science and Technology 3 (5), 88-98, 2014
Assessment of benthic macro-invertebrates of freshwater ecosystem: a case study of Ovia River (Iguoriakhi), Edo State, Nigeria
LA Iyagbaye, RO Iyagbaye, MO Omoigberale
European Scientific Journal 13 (26), 405-422, 2017
Application of some biometric indices in the assessment of the water quality of the Benin River, Niger Delta, Nigeria
AE Ogbeibu, MO Omoigberale, IM Ezenwa, IP Oboh
Tropical Freshwater Biology 22, 49-64, 2013
Environmental impacts of oil exploration and production on the Rotifers of Osse River, Southern Nigeria
AE Ogbeibu, MO Omoigberale
African journal of environmental pollution and health 4 (1), 72-80, 2005
Anthropogenic induced physicochemical gradients and associated macroinvertebrate community changes in derived savannah stream in Nigeria: Implication for biotic assessment
IM Ezenwa, N Ekechukwu, C Ukwueze, G Okafor, CH Orakwelu, ...
Acta Ecologica Sinica 43 (3), 535-544, 2023
The impact of rubber effluent discharges on the water quality of a tropical rain forest river in Nigeria
MO Omoigberale, IM Ezenwa, E Biose, C Okoye
African Journal of Aquatic Science 46 (4), 390-401, 2021
Assessment of groundwater quality of Benin City, Edo state, Nigeria
MO Omoigberale, AE Ogbeibu, NO Olotu
Tropical Freshwater Biology 18 (2), 15, 2009
Fecundity and spawning frequency of Chrysichthys furcatus Gunther, 1864 (Osteichthyes: Bagridae) from Jamieson River, Nigeria
IP Oboh, MO Omoigberale
Peak J Agric Sci 2, 21-29, 2014
Environmental impact of oil exploration on the crustacean zooplankton of Osse River, Southern Nigeria.
MO Omoigberale, AE Ogbeibu
Assessment of water quality and associated human health risk of a tropical freshwater body in Edo State, Nigeria
E Biose, NK Egun, N Uzoh, MO Omoigberale
African Journal of Aquatic Science, 1-12, 2024
Assessment of Microplastics in Water, Sediment, and Fish of Ikpoba Rivers of Edo State, Nigeria
ET Ogbomida, EO Obazele, I Aganmwonyi, O Chukwuka, CN Emeribe, ...
Afr. Sci. 24, 366-375, 2023
Burial leakage: A human accustomed groundwater contaminant sources and health hazards study near cemeteries in Benin City, Nigeria
IM Ezenwa, M Omoigberale, R Abulu, E Biose, B Okpara, O Uyi
Plos one 18 (12), e0292008, 2023
Spatial Variations in the Physico-chemical Variables and Macrobenthic Invertebrate Assemblage of a Tropical River in Nigeria
MO Omoigberale, IM Ezenwa, E Biose, O Otobrise
arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.11664, 2020
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Articles 1–20